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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kamden Skates..really good!!

Kamden has become quite the little skater over the past few months. Ever since we bought the Daphne rink, she has been coming to work with us a lot. She finally wears a size 10 shoe, so we finally let her put her inline skates on. We bought these skates 3 years ago because the manufactor was going to stop making the inline skates in sizes below a size 1 due to the fact that most kids cannot skate in inlines until they are a size 1 or (5/6 years old). Anyhow we decided to buy a pair then, so they have been sitting in her closet since. She has only been skating in these inline skates for a few weeks and she has really "taken off!" Last night she beat 3, 6 year old girls in the skate races! She was so proud, but I think her daddy was prouder! She had her skates on for over 4 hours and cried when I finally made her take them off at 10:30 p.m. I took some video so I will have that up soon so you can see her in action! She has skating in her blood, but she gets it honestly....Enjoy these pictures!
Kamden racing...my camera is blury because I had to take my flash off due to the neon lights in the building and I was trying to take "action shots!"
Kamden and her daddy skating! I thought this pictures turned out really cute!

Kam waiting her turn to "skate race!" (Yes I made her outfit..hehe)

Kam trying to skate on 1 foot...she is starting to get brave I tell you!

Kam skating again!

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