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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time for us because we get a chance to relax and spend time with our family! Every year we go to my Grandma's house (my dad's mom) and spend Thanksgiving over there, then we head to Terry's mom's house for round 2 of Thanksgiving dinner! This year, Terry and I felt so blessed to be where we are at in our lives today. I think having kids, makes holidays a much different experience. I know our kids have made our Thanksgiving so much more fulfilling. This year our family felt so complete~Party of 5 anyone? Our Family! Thanks mom for taking the picture. My mom took the kids to build-a-bear, so the newest Eady Additions had to be in the picture as well....Pepper and Rex....Bryant was trying to make his move and take Pepper from Kamden...HA!!!

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