Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Well of course the kids had a great Christmas!! They were very excited about all their gifts and seeing all their family! My mom stayed the night and helped us with everything and the kids were very suprised by what Santa brought them! It was a great day, but I can say, I am glad Christmas is another 365 days away..HA! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Very Happy and safe New Year!
B-dog eating the wrapping paper!
Kamden and Biscuit..the ONLY thing she wanted for Christmas this year!

Maddox giving Daddy a BIG thank you hug!
The kids opening up their gifts!

Mad-dog opening his presents!
The Baisden Eady grandkids!

All of us!!!

Twas' the Night Before Christmas....

And all through the Eady house the kids were excited and ready for Santa! This year Kamden really understood the Santa so she was super excited! We made reindeer food for Santa's reindeer and homemade cookies for Santa! On Christmas eve, we went to church for the candle light service and the kids did a great job in "Big People Church" as Kam says! Here is picture of the kids before we left! Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!!

"Skool" Santa Pictures!

Santa came to visit the kids school on the last day of school before the Christmas break! The kids really loved to see him and very excited that Santa came to visit their classes and read them a story! Here are some santa pictures and pictures of their class!
Santa introducing his "Sleigh Bells" to Kamden's class!Kamden saying the blessing before "Jesus' Birthday Celebration!"

Kam-Kam and Santa!

B-Dog with the big man!

Mad-doy giving high 5's th santa..for some reason Santa did not want to stay long for the 2 year old class! Maddox was the only did that was not scared of him...the rest of the kids were a little shy of santa...not mad-dog!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Eady Ginger Bread House!!

Okay so this was our 1st time ever doing a gingerbread house! My friends were really surprised that we did not carve pumpkins at Halloween at the Eady House (I am going to next year though, when I think it will be safe..ha), so I decided to try our hands at decorating the gingerbread house! I did not know it was going to be a 2 day process...got all prepared yesterday, only to find out we had to put all the sides together 1st...then wait 2 hours then put the roof on, then wait another 2 hours...I decided to be on the safe side, we would assemble the house then let it sit over night, so we would not have any disasters...HA! So after a long, impatience 24 hours, we finally got to do the FUN part and decorate our house...the kids had a blast doing it and I think Maddox ate as much candy as he put on the house....Kamden took it really serious and really gave it her all! I was trying to make it "perfect" but Terry reminded me that it was "for the kids" and not me, so he made me stop....HA! These are the pictures from our decorating portion...I decided to spare you all the break down pictures that we had last night, when they found out that we were not going to be able to decorate...HA! Enjoy!
Decorating the house! soooooo F-U-N! However maybe next year we will buy 2 houses!!

Mommy helping, before daddy made me stop!

The front of the house! The Back of the house...Mommy's side to decorate!
My "BIG" babies!

Maddox finally decorating the house..he stopped eating the candy..but only for a minute!
Just getting started!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Family Pictures 2008

Yeah...my favorite thing to do is take family Christmas Card pictures!! Its always so neat to see how much we have changed over the year. It seems like over the past 3 years, we have added another sweet face to our Christmas cards! This year was so sweet, the kids were so good and every actually cooperated!! Here is our Christmas card this year and some of the shots from our photo shoot!! Merry Christmas everyone!! My sweet Kamden
My C-R-A-Z-Y Maddox!
The sweetest baby in the world, Bryant!
My sweet angels, in a candid shot!!
My babies!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Kamden!!

Miss Kamden had her 4th birthday party! This year we decided that since their were 3 other kids in her class that were all having their birthdays during Christmas break, we would do all their parties together this year. So Kamden, Jack, Brayden and Micah all celebrated their 4th birthday's at our skating rink! We decided since its still college football season and we all like different teams, we would do a college football theme party! Of course we were all decked out in our FSU gear (Kamden has on her FSU cheerleading outfit and the boys wore their jersey's), Micah wore his Alabama gear, Jack wore his Florida Gator gear and Brayden sported his LSU gear. They each had their own cakes and they turned out precious!! Instead of presents we asked for dog food contributions so that the kids could take the dog food to the local animal shelter. We ended up with over 500 lbs of dog food!!!! They are going to take the dog food to the shelter sometime this week, so I will post pictures from that adventure...ha! Enjoy the photo's and video!!
The Birthday Kids
Micah, Jack, Kam & Brayden
Kamden and her Cake!
All their party guest!
Mad-Dog in his NOLE gear!
The Birthday Kids...again...
Kam, Brayden, Jack & Micah..
Kam had her inlines on so she looks like she is the tallest!
The video of them blowing out their candles!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kamden Skates..really good!!

Kamden has become quite the little skater over the past few months. Ever since we bought the Daphne rink, she has been coming to work with us a lot. She finally wears a size 10 shoe, so we finally let her put her inline skates on. We bought these skates 3 years ago because the manufactor was going to stop making the inline skates in sizes below a size 1 due to the fact that most kids cannot skate in inlines until they are a size 1 or (5/6 years old). Anyhow we decided to buy a pair then, so they have been sitting in her closet since. She has only been skating in these inline skates for a few weeks and she has really "taken off!" Last night she beat 3, 6 year old girls in the skate races! She was so proud, but I think her daddy was prouder! She had her skates on for over 4 hours and cried when I finally made her take them off at 10:30 p.m. I took some video so I will have that up soon so you can see her in action! She has skating in her blood, but she gets it honestly....Enjoy these pictures!
Kamden racing...my camera is blury because I had to take my flash off due to the neon lights in the building and I was trying to take "action shots!"
Kamden and her daddy skating! I thought this pictures turned out really cute!

Kam waiting her turn to "skate race!" (Yes I made her outfit..hehe)

Kam trying to skate on 1 foot...she is starting to get brave I tell you!

Kam skating again!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Daphne Christmas Parade!

Tonight was the Daphne Christmas Parade. It is a fun little parade that brings the entire community together! Last year Kamden was in the parade riding on her Dance Studio's float, but this year we got to watch and catch "lots of awesome, cool stuff," so I think she liked watching a lot better. The kids caught TONS of candy, beads and stuff animals! Here are some pictures of tonight! ( I am on a roll this week...updating my blog...I probably should be wrapping Christmas gifts, but this is much better!) The Eady's at the Parade!
Kamden yelling "Merry Christmas" so she can get some "cool stuff!"

My loves...as you can tell...daddy was on camera duty tonight...HA!

Pictures & Funny Video of the Kids!!

Well I decided to take some pictures of the kids tonight before we went to the Daphne Christmas Parade. The kids were sooo funny trying to take pictures...I really do not know why I even try! However tonight they were all laughs and giggles. Maddox was so funny because he kept wanting to wear his John Deere hat BACKWARDS! Kam and Mad were fighting over Bryant and seeing who could get him to laugh the loudest! I took a short video of the kids, so people could see and hear what goes into trying to get my crazy clan to take pictures.....it was soooo funny because they were all smiling and all the sudden Bryant spit up a little on Kamden's hand and she started freaking out!! I captured it on video and it is pretty funny to see her face..you have to watch it if you have 20 seconds! Enjoy! Baby Bryant...All smiles as usual!
Mad-Dog wanting me take picures of just him..he kept saying "just me momma!"

His football face!

All 3 kiddo's...Kamden kept messing with Bryants ear, which I why I think he spit up on her..HA!

This video is so funny...make sure to keep an eye on Kam's face at the end!!

Bellingrath Gardens!

As part of our Eady Christmas tradition, every year we go visit Bellingrath Gardens in Mobile, AL. Its hard to believe that Terry and I have been coming there 10 years this year!! My Mom has always took me when I was younger, so I wanted to continue the tradtion!! Bellingrath is a beautiful garden with acres and acres of breath taking flowers, plants and a beautiful home. Every Christmas they decorate the gardens with milllions of millions (and I say MILLIONS) of lights. We went last night and we could not have picked a better night to go. The weather was perfect....60 degrees and a nice breeze. It was not crowded at all, so we really got to take our time and look at everything. This year since it has not been too cold yet, there was still a lot of flowers in bloom so we got to see those as well. They also added an "under the sea" light display, that was really cool, I tried to take a bunch of pictures of the lights, but unless you have one of those "special" lens it they just turn out like the pictures below. Anyhow, we had a great time and the kids had a blast! Enjoy the pictures! The new "under the sea" light display...you have to be there to really get the full effect!
Smile Everyone!

The Eady's

Momma and her baby girl, she was over taking pictures at this point..HA!
Ohh I move my Boys!!
Daddy and his princess, she's 100% daddy's girl thats for sure!

The boys in their stroller!