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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Biloxi Break!!

After graduations, months of summer camp planning and countless hours of work, I decided that we needed a little break before our 1st annual summer camp begins at the rink. I wanted a little quick get-a-way where we could all just have fun and focus on FUN....that meant, no cooking or cleaning for ME! Just a few days of doing nothing! We decided to head to Biloxi (only 45 mins. away) and enjoy the Beau Riviage Hotel and Casino. We headed over Thursday evening and chowed down at the buffet. We called it a night around 10ish, then woke up early Friday am for a day at the pool. The kids and I hung out poolside for 5 hours while Terry had to go back to the rink to finish up our last school skate day of the year. I let Kam play "hookie" so we could enjoy some free time! The kids and I had the BEST time......we ordered drinks, ate lunch and just "played" with no worries all day!! It was one of those days were everything was about "As Good as it Gets!" We stayed again Friday night to enojoy 1 more night of having fun before heading home Saturday! I am hoping for many more of those days this summer!!

My 3 summer babies!

Its a hard life......

How many pictures do we have to take Mom?
Bryant was in time out, he was punishing all of us by not looking at us...lol

Kam- Kam

Maddox...even though he can swim, he was a little cautious at the Beau Pool and wanted swimmies for the first couple of hours!

Bryant played on the steps with me the entire time!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hangout Fest!!

The 2nd annual Hangout fest was last weekend May 20-22nd and I must say it was AWESOME! We did not go last year,but our good friends, The Rowe's, went and invited us to come down on the last day of the event. The Hangout is one of our favorite restaurants on Orange Beach. Its right on the beach and they have great food, and a HUGE play area for the kids! Last year to help combat the oil spill, they hosted a "Hangout Fest" where lots of musicians came in and did concerts for the gulf coast. This year they did it again, but bigger and better. This year they sold out at 35,000 tickets! It wasn't really geared towards "families" but the last day kids got in free and they had a HUGE kids area with TONS of stuff to do for the kids and even a kids stage! We had a GREAT time and the kids had a blast! We are looking forward to doing it again next year....hopefully all 3 days!!

Mad in the sand!

Kam...do I look like Santa?

Snow-Cones save the 100 degree afternoon!

Kam jumping on the trampoline!

Maddox getting his jump on!

My boys!

Christin and I!

Mad and his balloon hat!

Kam getting her book signed by Michael Franti....he was so nice!!

Bryant in true form......

Kam showing off her airbrush tattoo and her pink hair tips!



Kam painting the canvas!

Maddox Eady Graduates Pre-K!!

My crazy little Mad-Dog has graduated Pre-K 4!! He was so excited to graduate! He has had a wonderful K-4 year at Jubilee Baptist Church Mom's Day Out Program! He has learned so much and really grown as a kid this year. His teacher Mrs. Chasta is wonderful and we just love her! We are going to miss her so much! Maddox really loved his class and the school. I cannot believe my little man is going to start Kindergarten next year! He is so excited about it! Here are pictures from his special day!

Maddox Cap and Gown Picture
Maddox at Graduation with his "grandma's" My mom, Terry's grandma and Terrys mom!

Maddox, so excited!

Sweet Mad....

Team Eady TIme....yikes...I'm not pregnant, its just he dress...lol

Maddox on stage during his ceremony.

Maddox and I at my special Mothers Day Tea!

Maddox and Mrs. Chasta on the 1st day of school!!

The boys on their 1st day of school.

Kindergarten, Kindergarten...where have you gone?

My sweet little Angel has graduated Kindergarten!! It was a bittersweet day, knowing that she is no longer a "little" one. She had such an amazing kindergarten year, her teacher was every parent's dream teacher and Kamden did a great job learning and applying herself this year! Her school did a great job with everything and we could not be more pleased with the school and staff! I know that "kids will be kids," and I wanted for her to figure things out for herself this year and I am pretty sure she gained that independence that only the only way to get is to find it yourself! I can so I am sooooooo ready for SUMMER!! Heres a look at Kam's graduation and a look back at a great Kindergarten year at Daphne East Elementary with Mrs. Ayres!

Kamden's Graduation Picture!

Kam with Terry and I at her Graduation Party!

Kam getting her diploma from the principal!

Kam's class on stage at her Kindergarten Graduation!

Kam and some of her sweet classmates!

Now a look back through the 2010-2011 School Year.........
Halloween Party at school!

Kamden in the lunch room...she loves cafeteria lunch (just like her momma did :)

Field Trip to BeBe Farms!

Pumpkin Patch at Bebe Farms

Weeks Bay Field Trip!

Weeks Bay Field Trip

Kam at the movie field trip!

Fire Station Field Trip!

Future Fire Fighter??? hummm I doubt it...lol

Post Office Field Trip...Kam is mailing us our sweet valentine she made us at school!

Kam on the horse at bebe farms with Mrs. Ayres!

Sweet little KK!

Kamden at the begin of the school year.....

Kam and her friends at school skate day!

Kam's class at the rink!

Kamden on her 1st day of school.........

Kam with Mrs. Ayres on her 1st day of school.....