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Sunday, June 5, 2011

SURPRISE......I turn 30....OH MY!!

May 15, 2011
Well it happened....I turned 30....YIKES!! I must say this was way hard for me! I was NOT looking forward to the big 3-0!  I know it sounds a little silly, but for some reason the thought of it depressed me beyond words!  I pretty much mopped around the entire week leading up to my birthday, pretty much feeling sorry for myself....ummm I have no idea why?? Friday came and Terry decides he wants to celebrate my birthday "early" (my actual bday was on Sunday) and I reluctantly agreed to go to a nice dinner at one of my favorite restaurant, The Wash House. After a  nice dinner and a bottle of wine later, I was feeling pretty dang good! Terry told me he needed to stop by a "special place" to pick up my cake for our small family celebration on Sunday and he didnt want me to know where it was so he needed to blind fold me until we got there because he wanted it to be a surprise.....did I mention I just drank 3/4's a bottle of wine...I was game for whatever...lol.....Anyhow he blind folds me and drives me to a place and when he takes off my blind fold I am SURPRISED/SHOCKED/STUNNED by 75 of my friends and family!!! I was in shock......I had absolutely NO idea that he had been planning me a surprise party! One of my close friends Andrea my Mom and him had been planning this HUGE bash for months and I was clueless!!!  It was a great night with food, a great band (can we say the amazing Adam Hold Band) and drinks...LOTS and LOTS of drinks! I was so surprised by all my family and friends that came!  From my 82 year old Grandma to Patty & Kevin driving up from Ft. Lauderdale it was an amazing night......definitely one for the record books....I think just about everyone that was there could agree....Thank God I am only turning 30 once because you cant really have too many nights like that and "live" to tell about it....lol!!  Thank you honey for making me the NOW happiest 30 year old alive :)
My surprise bday invitation...thanks Andrea, I love it!
My cake
 Me talking to my grandma!
 This is 30 years of friendship!
 Dancing, Dancing and MORE dancing!
 The Adam Hold Band!

 My Daddy and ALL his "daughters" from Elementary & Middle School!!
 Me and my Momma!
 umm i think this was 2 bottles of wine later...cant really remember....lol
 The absolute love of my life.....

1 comment:

Jen said...

That is awesome! Nicely done hubs. :) Looks like a fun time. 30 looks good on you my friend!