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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Little Rain Can't Stop Her Shine!

So I always told myself I would never be one of "those Mom's!" We all know the Mom's who obsess of their children and live their failed childhood dreams through the lives of their poor children who have little or no interest in the task ahead of them....well I would not quite categorize myself as one of "those Mom's" but I am getting a little better understanding for why "those Mom's" choose to poor all their heart, soul, time and energy into their little ones!!  As my sweet Kamden gets older, shes the ripe old age of 6, I am beginning to realize just how much time and effort goes into helping your children achieve their goals and ultimately dreams.  Kamden is just like me in so many ways, but then again, so different.  Unlike me, not only does she dream in her head, she also dreams OUT LOUD!! The day of her recital this year it poured down raining and our power went out, 2 hours before her show, I was panicked, she was calm. She was ready, I was NOT!  This year was her 3rd dance recital, she wanted to do 4 dances this year, against my wishes (and my budget for a 5 year old) Terry and I agreed to let her give it a try after months of begging!  She enjoyed going to practice 2 days a week and really took on the challenge of learning 4 routines this season.  She really LOVED acero/tumbling and really tried HARD to learn new moves this season. After months of practicing, she finally nailed her 1 handed cart-wheel and roundoff!!  I know it seems pretty small, but to a 5 year old, this is BIG stuff!!  Her recital was last weekend at the Sanger Theater and she did an amazing job!!  I was sooooo very nervous when it came time for her to do her acero/tumbling routine because of all the routines, this is the one she had worked the hardest at, especially since she would be doing her 1 handed cartwheel first, leading 2 other girls as a sequence.  When the time came, as silly as it sounds, I was so nervous, I almost couldn't watch.  Her dance was the 2nd to last one and while I was backstage for the last time (I spend most of the recital backstage changing her...lol) I told her that I was so proud of her no matter what because of how hard she had worked this season.....without hesitation in true Kamden Eady form, she looked at me with a huge smile and said "I got this Mom, please go sit down and watch me!" I had tears in my eyes as I went back to my seat and I sat on the edge of my seat with my heart pounding the entire dance, then just as I had hoped, Kam did it, she nailed it! I am so proud of her and cannot wait to see what next season holds for her as she does what she really loves to do!!
Kamden in her ballet costume..."The Royal Ballet" 

Kam in her Jazz Costume..."Double Dutch Bus"
 Kam in her Acero/Tumbling costume...."Ghostbusters"
 Kam in her Tap Costume...."Teach me How to Shimmy"
 Kam Kam
 My Beautiful Dancer
Sara-Kate and Kam before the Recital!
Kam before her dance!
Kam and her Great-Grandma Baisden!
Kam on stage....Far left...
My beautiful Royal Ballerina!
Kam in True Form.....peace......duh!
My ballerina!

Kam with Daddy and Mommy!
Seriously, enough pictures Mom!
Balloon Drop Finale!
Kam and her BFF Tori....sweet girls since they were 2~
Kam posing...as always!

Kam with Pappy & Ging-Ging


Mindy Bobe said...

Awww this post brought tears to my eyes! It's amazing how much you want your child's dreams to come true as a Mom. And funny how you get more nervous for them than they are! Kam is so beautiful...just like her mom! She looks like the perfect ballerina!

Stephanie Drew said...

looks so much fun!