Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

I must say I have been blessed with some amazing men in my life! I have a wonderful father a great brother and an amazing husband, all who are GREAT Men and Fathers!!  At our house, birthdays, Mother's Day and Fathers day have a BIG tradition and that is BREAKFAST in BED!  Everyone gets together to surprise the lucky person with a great breakfast.....I asked the kids what they thought dad would want and they all agreed that Krispy Kreme donuts was perfect!  Maddox got into character and delivered the donuts with the Hat and Fan! Terry loved it and then we all joined Terry for breakfast in bed!  We then went to my Dad's to see him, Terry's Dad's to see him and we finished off the afternoon with an evening at the Bay Bears Game!  It was the perfect way to spend fathers day and we all enjoyed it!!
Terry's surprise breakfast in bed!
Maddox enjoying his donut!
The kids giving Terry his father's day cards in bed! 
All of us in bed enjoying our donuts.....
The kids with my dad!
Father's Day Bay Bears Game!
The kids with good ole' Teddy...I know this guy gets tired of seeing us!
Terry and his princess!!
WE LOVE DADDY!  The loves of my life :)
awww Maddox!
Bryant on Bay Bear Hill!

On Sunday evenings the kids get to run the bases after the game.....Maddox was ready to GO!

Not only did Kam run the bases, she also did an entire lap of kart-wheels....go figure....lol!
He loves baseball!!

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