Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, June 19, 2011

10 years in the making!!

We DID IT! We made it to 10 years of marriage!! I know that we broke a lot of bets, lasting this long...LOL....especially since I was just one month shy of being a teenager when I said "I do!"  It wasn't easy, being 20 years old,  a college student working 2 jobs and living pay check to pay check, but we were "In Love" and determine to make it work despite all the odds against us! We didn't have much but we vowed "For Better or Worse, In Richness or Poorness,  In sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live!"  Little did we know the challenges and obstacles we would face to make it this far!  It would have been easy to call it quites when times got rough (and boy have they), but we both hung in there and toughed out the hard times which ultimately made us stronger and appreciate all the good ones.  Now, 10 years later, we have 3 beautiful children, a successful business and a love for each other that words cannot describe! My husband is my absolute best friend and my soul mate. I know it sounds cheesy, but I truly believe that God really does make someone for everyone I feel truly blessed to have found my "one" at such a young age.  I always knew that Terry was the one for me.  I could never imagine my life without him. I thank God every night for him and the man he has become.  We decided a few years ago that we wanted to renew our vows on our 10 year anniversary, to show each other how much more we love and appreciate each other as the years have gone by.  We did it at our hotel on the beach in Costa Rica.  We did it at Sunset with our friends Brant and Tiffany as our witnesses....it was beautiful and something I will never forget!!  With age definitely comes maturity and I know we have both grown so much as a couple over the last few years.  We are both very different people than we were 10 years ago, but the most important part is that we have grown TOGETHER and not apart and we have learned to accept each other for the good and the bad.....even though we are opposites on so many things, one thing is for sure, we can't wait to celebrate 10 more!!
Me...the Bride...lol
 My Groom!
 My long walk down the "isle"

 We kissed when we first saw each other...thats the best part about a vow renewal...you do it how you want it!
 Me saying my vows to him :)
 Him saying his vows to me :)

 Us :)
 The second kiss.....
 He still gives me butterfly's....and thats all that matters to me!!

 Our sweet friends, who sat in the "HEAT"  and still love us! Love Brant and Tiffany!
 Just the 4 of us :)
Well we tried anyways...lol

 Mr. & Mrs. Terry Eady......again......:)

 I love him.....
 Me and Tiffany.....the photographer and well everything else that made it so special :)
 Terry and Brant....sweating their booties off.....poor guys....it was really HOT that night!!
So we decided to have a little fun with my new camera and got a little silly with all the pictures.....cheesy, but too fun not to do.....lol

 My favorite picture of us.......

 Couldn't resist this one....
 The Jagel's
 The Costa Rica Sunset....ohhh I miss watching this every night......
 Our flowers......
 Our dinner "reception"

2 bottles of champagne and some awesome food...I'd say it was the perfect way to end a perfect day!!


Jen said...

Fabulous photos! Beautiful dress...everything looked just lovely.

Mary Kendall said...

So sweet~ Love yall!