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Monday, June 27, 2011

Here Kitty Kitty.........

We woke up this morning to a little surprise "visitor" in our driveway!  A cute little black & white kitten.  The kids went NUTS over this little kitten and begged to keep it!  I am highly allergic to cats (along with any other creature that has four legs and breathes) and I do not have a very good track record with pets, they have all ran away or died unexpectedly, but I told them as long as the kitten stayed outside, we could keep it!!  In just the past 24 hours this kitten has brought so much fun into our house, as if we really needed anymore...lol!  We named it Sylvester, because it looks like Sylvester the cat, Kam keeps calling her Angel Cakes though...lol....I'm sure we will have plenty more updates about Sylvester!

 The boys are just smitten with it!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fun Time with Friends....

Summer is finally here!!!  We are having a great time!!  The kids are enjoying time with their friends.  Here are some fun pictures with their kiddo's and their friends enjoying this beautiful gulf coast weather!
Bryant being silly!
 Savannah & Kamden
 Lanie & Maddox

 Avery & Kamden

 Avery Drew
 The girls with the My Little Pony's
 Maddox after his big "Cannon BALL!"

Fun times in the A-T-L!!

Lets hear it for some fun times in ATL!!  For Christmas, my sweet husband bought me NKOTB BSB tickets!!  I was so excited!! The concert was in ATL, so we drove up the night before the concert and brought Kam and Mad along! We took the kids to The Varsity and then their 1st ever Braves games the afternoon of the concert. They had a blast! Maddox was in AHhhh of the field and the stadium!  It was so fun just to see his face light up!  Afterwards, the kids stayed at our friends, The Blairs, house while we went and enjoyed the concert! The concert ROCKED!! It was soooo much fun!! If you haven't already noticed....Terry and I do almost everything together....I think because we truly enjoy each others company and I couldn't think of anyone else I would rather share almost every minute of my life with! He's truly my best friend!  Although he isnt a huge fan of either group, he went because "He wanted to see my smile!" We drank, danced and sang the entire concert and our bottoms never touched our seats!!  It was an awesome day for Team Eady...Bryant decided he wanted to stay back at home with PawPaw and Donna, so he got to enjoy some one on one time with them, he had a great time too, but I think we all missed him and little more than he missed up :)
NKOTB rocking the stage!
 Love me some Nick Carter....BSB
 BSB again......
Maddox enjoying the varisty!
 Kam at the Varsity!

 We are here, we are HERE!
 Turner Field!
 Kam at the game!!
 Mad-Dog at the game!!

 The security officer for the Braves Dugout gave the kids "Official Braves Bubble Gum!"

 I love this picture.....priceless...I just happen to walk up behind them and capture this shot......

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

I must say I have been blessed with some amazing men in my life! I have a wonderful father a great brother and an amazing husband, all who are GREAT Men and Fathers!!  At our house, birthdays, Mother's Day and Fathers day have a BIG tradition and that is BREAKFAST in BED!  Everyone gets together to surprise the lucky person with a great breakfast.....I asked the kids what they thought dad would want and they all agreed that Krispy Kreme donuts was perfect!  Maddox got into character and delivered the donuts with the Hat and Fan! Terry loved it and then we all joined Terry for breakfast in bed!  We then went to my Dad's to see him, Terry's Dad's to see him and we finished off the afternoon with an evening at the Bay Bears Game!  It was the perfect way to spend fathers day and we all enjoyed it!!
Terry's surprise breakfast in bed!
Maddox enjoying his donut!
The kids giving Terry his father's day cards in bed! 
All of us in bed enjoying our donuts.....
The kids with my dad!
Father's Day Bay Bears Game!
The kids with good ole' Teddy...I know this guy gets tired of seeing us!
Terry and his princess!!
WE LOVE DADDY!  The loves of my life :)
awww Maddox!
Bryant on Bay Bear Hill!

On Sunday evenings the kids get to run the bases after the game.....Maddox was ready to GO!

Not only did Kam run the bases, she also did an entire lap of kart-wheels....go figure....lol!
He loves baseball!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Waterville....18 years later......

One of my oldest, dearest friends celebrated her 30th Birthday this week and in true Lori form, she wanted to go to Waterville in Gulf Shores for her birthday.  When we were younger, Lori always had her bday parties at Waterville every year!!  Waterville is a fun waterpark not far from our house, maybe 30 minutes.  What used to be 8 teenage girls that used to go, we now had 5 grown girls with their families!  We
had a great time and the best part is that we were all there sharing the experience with our kids, one that we all looked so forward to soooo many years ago!  The crazy part is I still felt like that same teenage girl playing in the waterpark, going down slides and relaxing in the lazy river!  Funny how your mind plays tricks on you....lol!!  We all had such a great time, that we are planning on going back again before the summer is out!  ONE very cool thing though......I got this new waterproof, freeze proof, shock proof digital camera and I must say I LOVE it!! We had a great time taking pictures underwater and Kam and I even video'd ourselves going down some of the slides....talk about a cool new toy!!!
Kam & Mad...Bryant stayed behind and worked at the rink with Daddy!
Kam underwater!
Maddox underwater!
Kamden and Daegan.....
Me and the kids on the Gold Rush!
My sweet babies!
Kamden on the rainbow slide!!!
Kam going down a slide!

Maddox going down the rainbow slide...thank GOODNESS he is 42 inches tall!! YAY!!
Maddox underwater again....LOVE this camera!!!
Tabitha and her mini-me's!
The girls and our babies!!
My sweet Angel....love this little girl to pieces!!
Kamden and Landon....everyone thought they were twins....lol!