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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

Well, what can I say, we managed to have an amazing Christmas again this year! Every year gets better and better and every year I become more and more thankful for the blessings that I have. This Christmas started off great at the rink and then just got better as the holiday season progressed! We had a "December to Remember" at The Eady house doing all of our favorite holiday traditions. 2 days before Christmas we celebrated at my Dad's house with my Dad's family and then Christmas eve we attended our candle light church service and then a great Christmas eve dinner at our house with Terry's family! We had an added bonus because Terry's sister, Patty and her husband Kevin came in town from Ft. Lauderdale to celebrate and spend the holidays with us. We were all so excited to celebrate and spend time together this year!! Christmas morning the kids woke up to a living room full of presents (we kinda went over budget this year...opps) but it was well worth it! After brunch at our house with my Mom, we went to my grandma's house and celebrated some more!! The kids had a blast and so did we! It was a great way to end 2010. 2010 was a good year for us and I know that 2011 will have even more thing in store for us..looking forward to NOT looking back!!
Yummy Christmas Lunch at Great Grandmas house!
Lots of stuff to play with!

I got my NOOKcolor...thanks Daddy!!
WOW is this for me?

I was about to have a heart attack......i cannot stand a mess...........


Opening presents Christmas Morning!

They were sooooo excited to get one!

WOW!! How did Santa know I wanted a John Deer Tractor? I only asked him for a fishing pole!

Daddy & Uncle Kevin put all the presents together!

Us on Christmas Eve....putting out cookies for Santa!

B sprinkling his reindeer food, he takes his job very serious!

The kids putting out reindeer food! Bryant opening presents on Christmas Eve!

Mad-Dog opening presents!

Patty, my BEAUTIFUL sister-in-law and I!

The kids giving Granny her Christmas present.

The kids got pillow pets from their great-grandma cookie, Bryant is talking to her on the phone!

Before the candlelight Christmas Eve!

My family and my brothers family with Grandma!

Me and My Grandma Baisden...LOVE her!!

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