Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, August 16, 2010

July is GONE....say what??

July 30, 2010
Well July went as fast as it came! It was a super busy month at the Eady house!! We had LOTS going on in town, so we pretty much worked and stayed busy in Daphne! Due to the oil spill, we didn't get to spend as much time at the beach as we usually do :( however, we did have a lot of fun at Hot Wheels! The kids went to work with us just about every session and did really good! Instead of breaking the blog up by each thing we did in July, I am just posting a few pictures from the things we did! Kam has now started to take an interest in running and at 5 years old is training for her1st 5K! My running is going really good, just hoping to meet my fundraising goal soon for team in training! The rest of the pictures are from the 4th of July, our 80's skate fundraiser, the Mobile Bay Bears Game, Vacation Bible School, Our Disco Inferno Party at the rink and our overnight Hotel Stay in Biloxi! Now you can see why I didn't have much time to update the blog in July...lol...enjoy!
Kam in her "running gear!"
My little running buddy!
Love to give my baby kisses!
Disco Inferno Night at the rink..We made all of our shirts together...so fun, yet sooo messy!

The Eady and The Jagel's at our 80's skate fundraiser party!
VBS 2010....its so hard to take good pictures in church because of the lighting!
Bay Bears Game!
Mad watching the game...he LOVES them!!
Kam at the game!
4th of July Fireworks!
Kam with her sparklers!
Standing in the window seal at the hotel!
Looking out the window in Biloxi, MS waiting to go to the pool!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Love reading about your cute family. You guys sound like us...busy busy busy. Life with three will do that as you well know. I love that Kam is running! I bet Sydney would enjoy that. Good luck with the training and fund raising!