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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kamden Graduates!!

Well we are officially the parents of a school age kid! Our sweet Kamden graduated from Preschool last night!! She was soooo excited! Her school did a very sweet graduation ceremony, followed by a slide show of the kids. We were asked to give 5 pictures of our kids from birth to now so that they could include them in the slideshow...it tuned out precious! The kids got a kick out of seeing each other as babies and everyone really enjoyed it! For some reason my camera did not take very good pictures with the lighting in the building, so here a few pictures from the night! Look out Kindergarten because here we come!!
The graduation announcements I made for our family members!
Kam getting her diploma!
Proud Parents with our graduate!!
Kam up on stage!
Team Eady!!
Our Angel!
Daddy and his princess!

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