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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kamden Graduates!!

Well we are officially the parents of a school age kid! Our sweet Kamden graduated from Preschool last night!! She was soooo excited! Her school did a very sweet graduation ceremony, followed by a slide show of the kids. We were asked to give 5 pictures of our kids from birth to now so that they could include them in the slideshow...it tuned out precious! The kids got a kick out of seeing each other as babies and everyone really enjoyed it! For some reason my camera did not take very good pictures with the lighting in the building, so here a few pictures from the night! Look out Kindergarten because here we come!!
The graduation announcements I made for our family members!
Kam getting her diploma!
Proud Parents with our graduate!!
Kam up on stage!
Team Eady!!
Our Angel!
Daddy and his princess!

Princess/Super Hero day at School!

Well its the last week of school for the Eady kids and this week the school is having a "fun" week. Everyday has been a new theme and Wednesday was Princess/Super Hero day! Maddox wanted to wear his spiderman costume (thanks Kindra ;) Bryant has outgrown his Jack Jack costume, so he got to wear Maddox's Dash costume and Kamden well, she's outgrown the princess stage, so we threw together something flashy! They all looked so cute and were so excited to participate!! Here are some pictures of them posing!
Kam trying to push Mad out of the way...lol
Maddox was taking the serious approach!
Bryant really got into posing...he's so funny!
The Boys...

Fun with the Taylor's!

We have had so much fun with our friends the Taylors, Dale, Lana and Harley the past few weeks! Dinner on the beach at Crabs, swimming at their beautiful house in Gulf Breeze and an awesome boat ride on their boat! Lana is a great photographer and took some amazing candids of us on their boat. It was a perfect day and we ran right in the middle of about 100 dolphins swimming and playing. The kids loved seeing the dolphins and they were coming right up to the boat! Hope everyone is enjoying their spring, now its starting to get HOT!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hot Wheels Kids....

I would lie if I said I didn't feel guilty about having to work; however, I do have the luxery to bring them to work with me most of the time. I am not sure if its a luxery or curse really? Since buying the Daphne rink in 2008, the kids have gotten to spend a lot more time in a skating rink and truly enjoying the experience of being a rink owners kid! So far they seem to love it. The skate %90 of the time they are there and eat the other %10. They are pretty well behaved up there considering they are there sooooo much! Kamden and Maddox are excellent skaters (here come the bragging parent in me) and Bryant is learning! I think having them there really helps promote our business and capatialize on the "family entertainment" slogan we to promote! Here are some pictures of the Eady kids skating...I'm going to try and download a little video too!

Disney on Ice!

Well you know if its Disney....The Eady's are There!! Disney on Ice was came to pensacola and we took the kids to go see it! I was very surprised at how good the show was. I was a little nervous to see how Bryant would do, being that right now he hates to sit still and be quite, but he did really good! He loved the show and clapped the entire time. Of course Kam and Mad loved it! Maddox was very impressed with the Incredible's when they came out and he loved the Toy Story part. Kam liked the princesses and Minnie Mouse! It was a fun family night!!

Maddox's 1st Sleepover!

April 12, 2010
My Maddox had his 1st big boy sleepover! His best buddy Tyler came to stay with us and they were all so excited! It was spring break, so he stayed over on a Monday and we had a big night planned! We went to the Explorium and saw the Dino exhibit, then we went to a new play place that opened in Mobile, Pete's Party Palace and had dinner and FUN! We ended the night going to Marble Slab and eating icecream! Needless to say they were all exhausted by the end of the night! Tyler is an only child, so he really enjoyed playing with all 3 kids...I think he thought we were a circus...lol! They all did great and had a fun time and the next day, they were all sad when Tyler had to go home! Here are some pictures from Maddox's 1st sleepover!
Before bedtime...they all slept in Maddox's bed!
The kids in front of Pete's Party Palace!
On the train at Pete's!
Maddox and Tyler playing air hockey!
The kids at the explorium! They loved it!