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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer School is Over!

I cannot believe that summer school is already OVER! This summer the kids Moms Day Out school did a summer program on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 6 weeks! The kids had a blast and really enjoyed getting to play with their friends...even though they played with them all summer long anyways~maybe they just enjoyed the break from me...HA! Anyhow today was the last day and they had pictures taken..they turned out pretty cute! I did not know it was picture day, so I had let them dress themselves...opps! I cannot believe tha school will be starting back in just 3 weeks....CRAZY! This school year Kamden will be in the K-4 program at her Mom's Day out school, their school has a great program and I am very excited for her to be in that class! Maddox will be in the K-3 program which is also very good, however, I am not too sure how Mad-Dog is going to do...but maybe he will surprise me...Bryant will just be the 1 year old room...I am hoping he will start walking by then...poor thing...he's 16 months and STILL NOT WALKING!! The dr. is not concerned and said he will do it whens he ready!

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