Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer School is Over!

I cannot believe that summer school is already OVER! This summer the kids Moms Day Out school did a summer program on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 6 weeks! The kids had a blast and really enjoyed getting to play with their friends...even though they played with them all summer long anyways~maybe they just enjoyed the break from me...HA! Anyhow today was the last day and they had pictures taken..they turned out pretty cute! I did not know it was picture day, so I had let them dress themselves...opps! I cannot believe tha school will be starting back in just 3 weeks....CRAZY! This school year Kamden will be in the K-4 program at her Mom's Day out school, their school has a great program and I am very excited for her to be in that class! Maddox will be in the K-3 program which is also very good, however, I am not too sure how Mad-Dog is going to do...but maybe he will surprise me...Bryant will just be the 1 year old room...I am hoping he will start walking by then...poor thing...he's 16 months and STILL NOT WALKING!! The dr. is not concerned and said he will do it whens he ready!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Chuck E Cheese FUN!

Summers moving right along! Its hard to believe its already July.....last night we decided to go to Pensacola and take the kids to Chuck E Cheese....I called my brother and his family met us up there! We had a great time and the kids had a blast! Here are some pictures of the kids at CEC...also my mom and I have decided to take up cake decorating....so I put of picture of the cake I made from my 1st class! It it the BEGINNER Level 1 cake decorating class at HObby Lobby...but we had a good time! The kids also helped lick the spoons from the frosting I made, so I put their picture up too! The Baisden Eady Crew! Taylor, Kylie, Ricky, Me Peyton, Terry Bryant, Maddox & Kam! Maddox was too worried about putting all his stickers on that he had just won!

Terry and the Kids...Bryant did not really like CEC very much!

Maddox on the other hand LOVED the characters!

Us trying to get a family picture....yeah right...thanks for trying peyton =)

my beginner rainbow cake!

The kids eating up all the frosting!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July...Eady Style!

Well as our Eady Tradition, we had our annual 4th of July Party at our house! We had all our close friends come and my momma! It was a lot of fun. We started by having a cookout at our house around lunchtime, then we all went swimming at our neighborhood pool, since we live in a cold a sac, we brought home several of our inflatables from the rink and set them up in the cold a sac and let all the kids run wild until time for fireworks! Terry really out did his self this year and had an aswesome fireworks show! It was better than going to the beach I think!! The kids and the adults all had a blast and by the end of the night we were all exhausted! Its so nice to be able to have such wonderful friends that all have kids the same age as ours and we all get along so well! It was a long day, but it was a LOT of fun...cant wait until next years party! My angels....Happy 4th of July!
Our Fireworks!

Our good friends...the only one missing is the Hites...they came a little later!
The Armbrusters, The Eady's, The Bobe's, The Hubble's, The Kennington's and The McCormicks!

Mad-dog in full Mad-DOG effect!

Me Kindra and Britt holding the little ones while the fire works go off!

Bryant all smiles eating his cake cone his Mamie made!

The kids eating their ice cream cake pops!

Kam & Maddox with some of their friends sliding down the slide..wooooo.

The inflatables kids toys in our cold-a-sac!

Our house for the 4th!

All the yummy sweets I made!

My sweet baby Kamden!

Maddox and Sawyer playing in the float!

Kamden and her friends Mary Paige and Abby jumping in the pool!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tennessee Trip!!

This summer (like last) we ventured to Tennessee to see my Aunts and Uncles (my mom's brother and sister). This year we decided it would just be the girls, then of course my little nephew (well he's not so little any more..he's 16 now) wanted to go and I thought it would be a great opportunity for him and I to hang out...so Me, My Mom, my neice Peyton, nephew Taylor and Kamden all drove my truck to Tennessee. My cousin Keri, followed us close behind (she was staying an extra day so she decided to drive her car!) We went to Maryville, TN and about 45 mins. from Knoxville and Gaitlinburg. We stayed at my Uncle Mike and Aunt Gina's house and boy did we have a BLAST! My Aunt Linda, Uncle Russ and cousins Keri and Amanda came over every night and we all had dinner and caught lightening bugs (kams favorite part)....that was so much fun to sit around and laugh about old times....during the day we went shopping in Knoxville and Gaitlinburg. It was a great trip and a much needed break from my BOYS! Kamden and I really had a great time and it was nice to see everyone. Kamden already has her bags packed to go back, but this time she wants the boys to come! Kamden and Maddox missed each other sooooo much! They talked on the phone everyday.....as soon as we got home...they ran straight to each other and gave each other a BIG hug and kiss! Those 4 days was the longest time they had EVER been apart from each other and they really missed each others company! It was very sweet to see them love and appreciate each other sooooo much! Well we cannot wait to come back!! Thanks again Aunt Gina and Uncle Mike for letting us stay!!! All of us at dinner....kinda hard to see....not sure what happened?

The Girls...Amanda...me...Keri...Peyton and of course...Kamden

The sisters...my mom and my Aunt Linda!

My Aunt Gina..her daughter..my cousin Amanda...and Kamden

Of course my Crazy Clan..me, Peyton, Taylor and Kam...that icecream never tasted soooo good!

Taylor and Uncle Mike (my moms little brother)

Amanda and Taylor!

Me and Kamden at Callhouns...feeding the ducks and fish waiting for a table!

Water Park & Pool FUN!

June 6, 2009
Well its getting HOT outside....almost too hot for us locals to go outside and play! Its not a lot of FUN when the pools and water parks water feels like bath tub water...yuck! But, of course for the sake of our kids fun (and ours too) we had to take the kids to Waterville in Gulf Shores! I have to say, we all had a blast! We went with our good friends Kindra and Trey and they took their son Jack, who is in Kams class. We took Kamden and Maddox and left Bryant at home with his babysitter (he would not have had fun...yet anyways!). It was not too crowded and the kids all ventured out and rode a lot of the slides! Of course Terry and Trey wanted to act like teenagers and try to ride the "FlowRider" which is like boogie boarding with waves....needless to say....if they were 16 they would have done better, but we left with no broken bones...HA!
Mad DOg!
Kamden and Maddox checking things out!

Maddox said....:Okay Kam...since you got in...I guess I will too!"

Whoooo fun slide!

Terry trying out the Flow Rider...HA!

Maddox at the pool modeling his goggles....ummm they are upside down..ha!

Kam with her goggles!

B-dogg just hanging out!

Kamden Ice Skates...pretty good!

May 18, 2009
The Pensacola Civic Center had a special summer ice skating week and so we asked Kamden if she would want to try it...I thought she would be a little apprehensive about it, but she said "YEAH, I'd love too!" We took the boys to my dads and Terry and I took her on a daughter date to ice skate! She loved it! She skated with us the 1st couple of times around and then she let go of our hands and said "Dad...I got this!" She immediately pushed off by herself and took off!! It was crazy to see a little 4 year old out there skating fast all by herself! She wasn't too sure how to stop, so just squatted down and then slid on her bottom! Unlike the roller rinks, she slid far and fast, it scared her a little at 1st but then she realized how much fun the ice could be! Afterwards we surprised her with a special BIG GIRL dinner at Terry and I favorite restaurant...The Melting Pot! She loved it and keeps asking when we are going to eat there again.....Terry laughed and told her...not for a while darling..ha! Kamden with her ice skates!
Us iceskating!

Kam and Daddy!

Kamden and Mommy ice skating!
On our special daughter date to the melting pot!