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Monday, March 2, 2009

B-Dog gets tubes!

Well our poor little Bryant followed in his big brothers footsteps and had to get tubes put in his ears! After being plagued with ear infections since he was 2 months old (isnt that crazy a 2 month old can get ear infections) we finally had them put in this morning. The same dr. that did Maddox's tubes and adnoids did Bryants. We just love Dr. Neumann our ENT...I think he loves us equally as well...HA! He did great and the entire procedure only took about 5 mins. Bryant was really fussy when he woke up, but now he is fast asleep! Hopefully now he will be back to sleeping through the night again. He has not slept all night since Christmas....because of all the fluid in his ears!! Here is a picture they took of us at the outpatient hospital this morning right before Bryant went back with Dr. Neumann!
As you can tell Terry and I are a little sleep deprived. Bryant woke up at 2 a.m. and screamed until 5 a.m. He could not have a bottle or any medicine because his surgery was at 7 a.m. so we had to ruff it out...awwww!! These are things about parenthood people dont tell you about..HA@

1 comment:

House of Hites said...

AWWW bless his little heart. Hope this helps him.