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Friday, February 27, 2009

My little Cheese Balls!

Well I played hookie from work tonight and decided to stay home and hang out with the kids! We had a fun night! Kamden and Maddox love cheese balls so they got into the GIANT bucket of cheese balls! Maddox was very proud as you can tell by the picture below! Baby Bryant was talking away tonight. He was mumbling "DADA" MAMA" and "BYBY." It amazing how even after 3 kids, those little sounds still melt your heart and how excited you get hearing those sounds for the 1st time from your baby! This time...I had Kam and Mad to share it with and I think they were just as excited as I was to hear him ramble! We all kept sitting there trying to coax him into saying other things, of course he looked at us like we were the crazy ones! Here are some pictures of our FUN night! Mommy's cheese balls!

Enough of the sounds already guys!

I'm getting outta here!

A kiss from Big Brother Mad-dog!

Tori Turns 4..AKA Kam's Best Friend!

Kamden's best friend Tori turned 4 last weekend. Tori had a very royal princess party at a place in town called Thrills gifts. They really did it up and the party turned out precious! They had costumes for the girls and outfits for the boys. Kamden wanted to be Belle and Tori was Arial. Maddox dressed up as a Royal Knight for a little while. They were all so precious! Here are some pictures from the Royal Event! Tori, Kamden and Mary-Paige
Maddox dressing as a knight

Story time with the princess!

The Royal Tea Party!

Precious little Belle!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kamden F-L-I-E-S!!!

Kamden got her new inline skates this week!! She finally got the BIG Wheel inlines she has been waiting for! She had to wait until she turned 4 until she could get them and they finally arrived monday. I was a little worried how she would do in them, but she is really a natural, she just took off and FLEW on them. Maddox was really pumped about Kam getting her new skates because now he has her old ones! He has to turn 3 before we will really let him "skate" on them. His ankles will not quite be strong enough until then, but he likes to put them on and skate on the carpet with them! Here are some pictures of the kids last night in their new skates!! Kamden and Maddox in their new skates!

Maddox in his skates!

Kamden's all smiles!!

Watch this little video of our girl....skating!!!

Disney take 10!

Well once again...we went to Disney...the Eady's favorite place on Earth...HA! This time we had a pretty short trip....only 3 days! We met our friends from Daphne, The Horton's down there and had a lot of fun hanging out with them...they are so funny! Then we got to meet my cousins from VA down there and that was a blast!! I have not seen them since Kamden was 7 months old, so they got to meet ALL our new additions. We spent the day at Epcot and the kids had a blast! Its always so much fun to hang out with them. We are hoping to plan a trip to VA soon to see them again! My cousin Kelly, has 2 kids that are close in age to my kids...for some reason we forgot to take pictures of us adults, but I did manage to get a few picutures of the little cousins, in the mist of all their fun!! Here are a whole bunch of pictures of our trip...p.s. the weather was in the 80's the entire time we were there...could not have been nicer!!
Handy Manny!
Yeah...its Jo Jo and Goliath!

The kiddo's with the Little Einstines!

Kamden and Maddox with Pluto!

The Eady family with Goofy...One of Maddox's favorite characters!

Kamden and Maddox with Minnie at Animal Kingdom!

Kamden ready to go ride some rides!!

Playing duck duck goose at Epcot...Harper's it!

The cousins playing duck duck goose at Epcot!

Harper, Kamden, Maddox and Addison...cousins!!
The Eady's and The Horton's with Buzz!

The Eady family with Maddox's favorite character.....BUZZ!

Kamden and Madison getting ready for the Magic Kingdom Parade!
Kamden & Daddy on Goofy's Roller Coaster...one of Kam's favorite rides!

Maddox and Kamden with Rafiki from the Lion King!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Getting Ready for Valentines!

Valentines day is just around the corner!! Last night we sat down and wrote out all our cards to get them ready. The kids had a lot of fun and got really excited about giving the cards to their friends! Of course I had to make my Valentine cards to send out too! What can I say...I just love to send out photo cards!! I know I go overboard...but hey it just would not be me if I did not send out photo cards for EVERY occasion..HA! Hope you all have a great Valentines Day..in my opinion the most OVER rated holiday that we celebrate..HA!
Mommy's Valentines Cards
Maddox filling out his cards! A.K.A scribbling all over them!Kamden filling out her cards!
Kamden playing in the diaper box..this box brought us an hour of entertainment!

Maddox playing in the diaper box!