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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Kamden starts Gymnastics!!

Kamden is now 3 1/2 and in Daphne that means time for gynmastics! Today was Kamden's 1st big day and she was pumped! She LOVED gynmastics!! Her teacher was great and very sweet. I was very surprised at how coordinated she was, she must get that from her daddy because the Lord did not bless me with coordination! Between Kamden and Maddox's busy social life and Kam's summer camps and activities we have a BUSY summer ahead of us!! Kamden waiting to go into her class room!
Kam watching the "big girls" practice!

1 comment:

Mindy Bobe said...

Awww...she looks so cute! I'll have to get her to show me her new moves next time I see her!