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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kamden's Dance Rehearsal/Recital Pictures!

Well little Miss Kamden had her 2nd dance recital and I must say this year was a HUGE improvement from the last one she did when she was 3! It was at the Mobile, AL Sanger Theater. The recital was precious, "Remember my Name" was the theme and they did a fabulous job of making things run smoothly and fast! I was soooo excited because Kamden had a big audience...Me, Terry, My Mom, My Dad, Donna, Terry's Mom and Dad, Kylie, Taylor and Peyton...we took up almost an entire row! Kam was very excited to have so many people come watch her as well! She was in the Kindergarten (5 year) Jazz and Acero class. She was the youngest one in her class because she was supposed to be in the preschool class, but they allowed her to be in the kindergarten class. She absolutely loved the class and her teacher, Miss Brittany. Her dances were to Hannah Montana's "Party in the USA" and "The Flintstones" Unfortunately we were not allowed to video tape the recital, but we were able to video tape the rehearsal, so I have rehearsal video below. I have lots of pictures of her in her dance costumes, which were precious! Now she wants to sign up for Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Acero...lol...I told her we would see! She loved being on stage, so I am hoping she will stick with it and enjoy dancing even more as she gets older! Enjoy!
Miss Brandi, the Owner of Baypointe Dance Academy
Kam's skating buddie, Taylor (she also dances at Baypointe)
Kam and her teacher, Miss Brittany (so sweet)
Us after the recital! I was soooo proud!
The Finale...Big bow with a great balloon drop!
Kamden and her buddy Mary-Paige!
Diana (Ging-Ging) and Jerry (Pappy) Terry's Mom and Dad
Aunt Kylie and Peyton
My Dad and his wife Donna!
Taylor...cant believe he is going to be a SENIOR this year!
Daddy and his princess!
Getting ready for the recital!
Kamden's program ad... sponsored by Hot Wheels...lol
Kamden's Party in the USA costume with her skates!
Kam is a star!
Beautiful Girl!
Her "Party in the USA" Dance Class!
Her Flintstone's Dance Class!

Her Flintstone Rehearsal Video

1 comment:

Mindy Bobe said...

Sooo cute! I LOVE the videos! She did sooo good!