Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rrrrrawww...the Dinosaurs are HERE!

We are still not adjusted to the time change in our house, so after sleeping until 10 a.m. on Monday, we decided it was the perfect day for a TEAM EADY day! We took the kids to the Explorium to see the Dinosaur exhibit and they had a blast...all but Bryant...he was a little confused and I assume he thought that they were real...lol It was pretty neat seeing them.....afterwards we walked across the street to Ft. Conde and let the kids run around and play in the fort....they that was really cool! All in all it was a fun family....Team Eady day!
The kids posing in front of the cannon!

Me and the kids on the imaginary roller coaster!
Kam digging for dinosaur bones!
Bryant playing on the ship in the kids area...he liked this much better than the dinos!
Maddox showing off all his fish!
Kam and Mad in front of the T-Rex!

This is pretty much how B-dog stayed while we were outside in the dino exhibit.

They moved and made lots of noises!

The kids on the picture dino...lol


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