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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Krewe of Marry Mates Mardi Gras Ball 2010

Well Mardi Gras is in FULL force...WOOO HOOOO! Being from the south...Mardi Gras is a BIG deal! The parades started last weekend (I am going to do one big post with all the parade pictures next week) and boy did we catch a lot of stuff! One of our good friends and neighbors, The Stablers are in a medium sized organization in Mobile, Krewe of Merry Mates and they invited us to attend their parade and ball last weekend! Its kinda like prom on steroids for adults! Men MUST wear a tales tux and keep their jackets on at all times, this is very strictly enforced..lol! Women must wear floor length ball gowns....the gowns get very extravagant, mine was pretty tame compared to some! I found my old dress from my High School 1998 Noel dance dress and wore that....I was very proud of myself! We had a blast...its hard not to, with a good band (Mustang Sally's) and an open bar until 3 a.m.! We decided to forgo the parade since it was freezing outside (yes freezing, it was like 30 degrees out that night) and have dinner at Ruth Chris's Steakhouse! Our other good friends, the Smarts, went as well so we really had an awesome night! Now Terry and I are trying to decided if we want to join the organization or not....hummmm? Here are some pictures from the crazy night!
Us at about 2 am...Can you tell? lol
Me and Jeanette...its a tradition that you wear a guarder while in your dress...Our friend James put ours on....(i left those pictures out...lol) fun stuff! Our good friends the Smarts...Jeanette and Gordan

The Stablers(they are in costume, since they are in the organization and they paraded that night)

Me and Jeanette
The Girls....it was getting late at this point!
Me and my love before we left for the ball!

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