Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tennessee Trip!!

This summer (like last) we ventured to Tennessee to see my Aunts and Uncles (my mom's brother and sister). This year we decided it would just be the girls, then of course my little nephew (well he's not so little any more..he's 16 now) wanted to go and I thought it would be a great opportunity for him and I to hang out...so Me, My Mom, my neice Peyton, nephew Taylor and Kamden all drove my truck to Tennessee. My cousin Keri, followed us close behind (she was staying an extra day so she decided to drive her car!) We went to Maryville, TN and about 45 mins. from Knoxville and Gaitlinburg. We stayed at my Uncle Mike and Aunt Gina's house and boy did we have a BLAST! My Aunt Linda, Uncle Russ and cousins Keri and Amanda came over every night and we all had dinner and caught lightening bugs (kams favorite part)....that was so much fun to sit around and laugh about old times....during the day we went shopping in Knoxville and Gaitlinburg. It was a great trip and a much needed break from my BOYS! Kamden and I really had a great time and it was nice to see everyone. Kamden already has her bags packed to go back, but this time she wants the boys to come! Kamden and Maddox missed each other sooooo much! They talked on the phone everyday.....as soon as we got home...they ran straight to each other and gave each other a BIG hug and kiss! Those 4 days was the longest time they had EVER been apart from each other and they really missed each others company! It was very sweet to see them love and appreciate each other sooooo much! Well we cannot wait to come back!! Thanks again Aunt Gina and Uncle Mike for letting us stay!!! All of us at dinner....kinda hard to see....not sure what happened?

The Girls...Amanda...me...Keri...Peyton and of course...Kamden

The sisters...my mom and my Aunt Linda!

My Aunt Gina..her daughter..my cousin Amanda...and Kamden

Of course my Crazy Clan..me, Peyton, Taylor and Kam...that icecream never tasted soooo good!

Taylor and Uncle Mike (my moms little brother)

Amanda and Taylor!

Me and Kamden at Callhouns...feeding the ducks and fish waiting for a table!

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