Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dance has started!!

My little Miss Kamden has not only started Kindergarten but also dance! This year she has begged to take not only jazz and acero, but also ballet and tap! So that means 4 dances this year (which also means 4 recital costumes...lol) . She absolutely loves it! She has the same teacher as last year, Miss Brittney and we just love her! She takes dance on Tuesdays and Thursdays nights this season and with church on Wednesdays nights, we are one busy family!! Here are some pictures of her "posing" in her new ballerina outfit!!

The boys Start Preschool!!

The crazy Eady boys started preschool today! They were very excited and they got awesome teachers this year, so I was excited too!! Maddox was a little lost without Kamden being there, but he did pretty good! Both of their teachers gave them great reports today, so I am hoping this will be the sign of another great year in Preschool! Here are some pictures of their first day! Maddox came home and told us "I was good the WHOLE time Mom and Dad....the WHOLE time!" He was so serious about it that we couldn't help but to laugh!
The Eady Boys!
The boys with their backpacks ready to GO!
Maddox and his teacher Mrs. Chasta, Kamden had her last year and we LOVE her!
Bryant with his teacher Mrs. Dawn, Maddox had her when he was 2 so we are very excited to have her again...she is WONDERFUL with the 2 year olds!

Kam starts Kindergarten!!

August 16, 2010
So the time has come that I am officially the MOM of a school age child!! My sweet Kamden started Kindergarten at Daphne East Elementary School. Its a public K-6th grade school about 5 miles from our house! They have to wear uniforms everyday and I think thats her favorite part...lol The 1st day of school was a great day and she looked precious! I have never seen a child so excited about starting school! She got a fabulous teacher named Mrs. Ayers and we are looking forward to a great school year! Here are some pictures from her 1st BIG day!
Kam in her uniform!
Ready to GO MOM!
Kam and her Teacher Mrs. Ayers!
Her class is the "Busy Bee's" this is right outside her door!
At her desk, coloring away!
Hanging up her book bag!
Kamden and Daddy!
Mommy and Kamden!

Maddox turns 4!

August 14, 2010
Our little Mad-Dog turned 4 on August 14th! To celebrate his big day we had his bday party at The Exploreum in Mobile! They are hosting the Reptile Planet Exhibit for the next few months so I thought it would be a perfect place to have his 4th bday and boy was I RIGHT! They did everything....they even provided the cake! I had to do NOTHING....it was amazing!! The kids got to play, explore and learn about certain reptiles! They even got some hands on experience and got to touch several of the reptiles. Maddox had a great time and I think everyone including all the adults did too! That night we took the kids to hibachi and ate a special bday dinner! Team Eady had a great day celebrating!!
Team Eady at Maddox's 4th Party!
Mad and his best buddie since they were 1 Tyler!
His Cake...so cute!
Inside the "Lab Station" getting their hands washed!
The kids getting to touch the bearded dragon!
Maddox touching the gecko!
The kids inside the Lab Sation
The boys with Ging-Ging and Pappy!
My boys with Taylor my "little nephew"
Kam & Mad playing news anchors...lol they were sooo funny!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Little Artist!

August 7, 2010
For the past 2 years now, I have been going to a place in Daphne called paint and pals. Its a very cute little art studio that have canvas's sketched with your choice of theme and you get to sit back paint and relax with a glass of wine! It is so much FUN! The now offer kids paintings as well and Kamden has really taken a liking to it! She has been about 5 times and gets better every time! This past weekend she was invited to a birthday party at paint and pals that was a peace themed party! Here is what she did......I will post some of her other work later!!
Kamden and the final project!
Almost done, but there is no glitter yet.....
Very carefully making the "peace" sign
Just like a true Artist!
This is what it looked like before we started painting!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Cruise Ship FUN!

Well Terry and I had a busy summer and we are expecting and even BUSIER fall and winter at the rink so we decided kinda last minute to go and take a cruise with our good friends The Jagels! We left from Port Canveral in south FL on the Carnival cruise ship "The Sensation" and went on a 5 day 4 night cruise to the Bahamas. We had an absolutely amazing time!! The weather was great and the ship was FUN! We got lots of sun and drinks :) Our ports of call were Freeport and Nassau. We got to spend the night in Nassau, so we spent a lot of time at Atlantis! It was so much fun, but I'm not sure I would want to "vacation" there. The pools closed at 6 p.m. every night, so unless you wanted to gamble, you were pretty much stuck on the island! The food in Bahamas was great and boy did we EAT!! Here are some of the picutures from our trip! I must say I love to cruise and I think its one of the best ways to vacation! Next time we are thinking of bringing the kids on a cruise....stay tuned for that...lol
Our Cruise Buddies...The Jagel's (Tiffany and Brant) and Brant's friend Chuck and his girlfriend Lauren
My and my love at Dinner on the ship!
Us again!
Me and Tiff at Freeport!
The resort in Freeport!
Terry and I on the beach in Freeport!
The Atlantis Hotel!
The Atlantis Pool....beautiful but its only open 10-6 p.m.
The famous Atlantis Slide....
Us and our ship!

July is GONE....say what??

July 30, 2010
Well July went as fast as it came! It was a super busy month at the Eady house!! We had LOTS going on in town, so we pretty much worked and stayed busy in Daphne! Due to the oil spill, we didn't get to spend as much time at the beach as we usually do :( however, we did have a lot of fun at Hot Wheels! The kids went to work with us just about every session and did really good! Instead of breaking the blog up by each thing we did in July, I am just posting a few pictures from the things we did! Kam has now started to take an interest in running and at 5 years old is training for her1st 5K! My running is going really good, just hoping to meet my fundraising goal soon for team in training! The rest of the pictures are from the 4th of July, our 80's skate fundraiser, the Mobile Bay Bears Game, Vacation Bible School, Our Disco Inferno Party at the rink and our overnight Hotel Stay in Biloxi! Now you can see why I didn't have much time to update the blog in July...lol...enjoy!
Kam in her "running gear!"
My little running buddy!
Love to give my baby kisses!
Disco Inferno Night at the rink..We made all of our shirts together...so fun, yet sooo messy!

The Eady and The Jagel's at our 80's skate fundraiser party!
VBS 2010....its so hard to take good pictures in church because of the lighting!
Bay Bears Game!
Mad watching the game...he LOVES them!!
Kam at the game!
4th of July Fireworks!
Kam with her sparklers!
Standing in the window seal at the hotel!
Looking out the window in Biloxi, MS waiting to go to the pool!