Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!

We had a wonderful Father's Day! We got Terry a Throw back Dolphins Dan Marino Jersey...just what he has always wanted!! The kids (with my assistant) also made him a footprints card, that I think he really liked! We then went and visited all our dad's and finished off by a great dinner at LuLu's (Jimmy Buffet's sisters restaurant) in Gulf Shores! Over all we had a fantastic day and I think Terry really enjoyed everything. I have to say the kids are very lucky to have such an awesome dad...he is one in a zillion thats for sure!! I am lucky to have such a great husband!! Here are some pictures from our day!
Team Eady!!
Team Eady minus mommy!
Paw-Paw, my dad with the kids!
My brother, my dad and me!
The kids!
Pappy (Terry's dad) with the Kids!
Kam and Peyton at LuLu's
Maddox with his battle wounds from following at Waterville!
Bryant throwing sand...something he does best =)

Oil on the Beach....BOO!!!

June 7, 2010
Well its official the OIL is here!! Very sad but true! We had just gotten word that the inevidiable had happen and oil was in Gulf Shores. We thought we would take the kids down to see it and eat lunch at our favorite restaurant on the beach...The Hangout! The Oil was not as bad as we had thought, but still a mess. Luckily the oil was not in the water too bad, so we were able to get in for a minute and cool off, but I since heard we should not have been in the water at all due to some cancer causing cartigian. Anyhow we did our part and supported our local restaurants and had a good team Eady day! Unlike reports, we did see TONS of people down there cleaning up...tons! The beaches are still open so PLEASE come and visit!!
Burying daddy in the sand!!
Kam playing in the foam party at the foam party at the Hangout!
Mad playing in the foam party at the foam party at the Hangout!
Posing of course!
Strike a pose Eady Kids!
My beautiful beach Babies.... Typical Eady pose...B trying to escape! lol
All the little tar balls...go away!
How small they are, but they make a mess!
More tar balls!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kamden's Dance Rehearsal/Recital Pictures!

Well little Miss Kamden had her 2nd dance recital and I must say this year was a HUGE improvement from the last one she did when she was 3! It was at the Mobile, AL Sanger Theater. The recital was precious, "Remember my Name" was the theme and they did a fabulous job of making things run smoothly and fast! I was soooo excited because Kamden had a big audience...Me, Terry, My Mom, My Dad, Donna, Terry's Mom and Dad, Kylie, Taylor and Peyton...we took up almost an entire row! Kam was very excited to have so many people come watch her as well! She was in the Kindergarten (5 year) Jazz and Acero class. She was the youngest one in her class because she was supposed to be in the preschool class, but they allowed her to be in the kindergarten class. She absolutely loved the class and her teacher, Miss Brittany. Her dances were to Hannah Montana's "Party in the USA" and "The Flintstones" Unfortunately we were not allowed to video tape the recital, but we were able to video tape the rehearsal, so I have rehearsal video below. I have lots of pictures of her in her dance costumes, which were precious! Now she wants to sign up for Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Acero...lol...I told her we would see! She loved being on stage, so I am hoping she will stick with it and enjoy dancing even more as she gets older! Enjoy!
Miss Brandi, the Owner of Baypointe Dance Academy
Kam's skating buddie, Taylor (she also dances at Baypointe)
Kam and her teacher, Miss Brittany (so sweet)
Us after the recital! I was soooo proud!
The Finale...Big bow with a great balloon drop!
Kamden and her buddy Mary-Paige!
Diana (Ging-Ging) and Jerry (Pappy) Terry's Mom and Dad
Aunt Kylie and Peyton
My Dad and his wife Donna!
Taylor...cant believe he is going to be a SENIOR this year!
Daddy and his princess!
Getting ready for the recital!
Kamden's program ad... sponsored by Hot Wheels...lol
Kamden's Party in the USA costume with her skates!
Kam is a star!
Beautiful Girl!
Her "Party in the USA" Dance Class!
Her Flintstone's Dance Class!

Her Flintstone Rehearsal Video

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

D-I-S-N-E-Y =)

Well we were at it again....our favorite place on Earth...Disney! However this trip was a little different! Terry totally planned the entire trip (he never plans them...not his favorite vacation spot, but he's always a trooper). He woke us up early Sunday morning and already had most everything packed.....he told us we were going on a little mini vacation (we worked 80 hours last week and had 486 kids at our all night skate...we needed something)....I immediately thought NOLA...fast fun and close to home...however he had other plans. I HATE surprises, so I was begging him to tell me....finally he did as we pulled out of the driveway, but the kids had NO clue! They watch movies the entire 6.5 hour drive down and when we arrived...well you can see the video on the bottom for their reaction! Overall it was an awesome trip, but HOT! Not used to going in the heat, since we usually opt for fall and winter weather when we go! It gets easier every time now that we only have 1 in a stroller and diapers! Here are some pictures from our trip...we will not be going back until Oct...so I'm going to have withdrawls.....
Us in front of toontown...it may not be there when we go back since they are doing away with it and expanding!
The kids with Brandon...he used to work for us at the Milton rink and he is now interning down in Disney for 7 months!
Mad with the goofy hat on!
We were celebrating our anniversary a little early!
Kam with a mickey graduation hat....
Us in downtown disney!
Maddox making his "ant" face!
Mickey's dance party...OUR favorite party in disney!! It's a must do!

Us with Tigger and Pooh...Bryant did NOT like them...lol
B...Loves Nemo!
Us on the Haunted Mansion...it was 2 a.m. and we were still going strong!
Minnie's house!
FINALLY B was tall enough to ride Goofy's roller coaster....yeah yeah!!
Right before the ride...he was a little nervous...lol
Kam and Mad had to be front cart...they love this ride!
Team Eady with Team Mickey!!
My Babies with Belle...Belle really liked B!
Cinderella with the kids!
Surprise Disney Trip Video!!