Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eady Easter 2010

Easter 2010 with the Eady's was a great fun filled time! The kids each had school parties and then our church had their annual Easter Egg hunt! The Easter bunny was good to the kids and they got each got new bathing suits and candy!! We spent Easter morning at church, followed by Easter lunch at my Grandma's house in Pensacola with the family! The weather has been absolutely beautiful and all is well with us!! This is our busy time of year with school about to end and all the schools wanting to get in their last fundraisers and end of the year parties! Here are a bunch of pictures of our week long Easter Celebration!! Enjoy!
Team Eady on Easter Sunday at Church!
Bryant liked to use the basket as a hat instead of for his eggs..lol
The boys egg hunting at my Grandma's house!
Kam and her basket!
The finished Eggs!
Dying Easter Eggs!
Ready to dye some easter eggs!
Mad and Bryant at the Church egg hunt!
Bryant finally picking up some eggs!
Team Eady getting ready for the egg hunt!
Kam's Class party egg hunt!
Kam's Class Party Lunch
Kam and her easter bucket!
Maddox class easter lunch!
Maddox's Class!
Maddox and his easter bucket!
Mad searching for eggs!
Bryant's Easter class party!
Bryant searching for eggs!
Team Eady at our Church Easter Egg Hunt!
Maddox dressed in his Easter Suit....being typical Mad-Dogg!
My Pretty Kam in her Easter Dress!
Bryant would not cooperate, so he didn't get his picture...lol!

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