Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Parade, Parades and MORE Parades!!

Well I have to say this Mardi Gras was fabulous! The kids were all finally old enough to understand the rules and have a GREAT time! We went to a ton of parades this year and we caught more beads and moon pies to last us a lifetime...or until NEXT year...lol! If you have never been to Mobile for Mardi Gras, then you really should come and check it out! We took the kids to all the parades we went to EXCEPT Joe Cain day. (we went to about 5 parades of the 25-30 parades in the area). We try not to go the men parades because they throw too hard and end up pegging people! Joe Cain is the best day of Mardi Gras...its the Sunday before Fat Tuesday and the party starts (well I dont think the party stops the entire 2 weeks on Mardi Gras) around 8 a.m. and goes until you just cant party anymore. This year Terry and I ran in the Joe Cain 5K and it was a blast....then partied on Dauphin Street and finally caught the big parade...which is FUN! I really hated to see Mardi Gras go this year......but I am excited about next year.....its LATE (Fat Tuesday is March 8th) so that means the weather SHOULD be nice and warm and that makes for an even better time! Here are some of the pictures from the parades...I just mixed them in all together...I cannot remember all the ones we went too! Enjoy!
Maddox eating a Moon pie...
Bryant eating his moonpie!

Throw us some beads!!
Savannah and Kamden...it was COLD outside...like 40 and this parade was on the beach...so it was really freezing!
Mad and Lanie waiting on the parade to start!

Me and my babies on Fat Tuesday...Mad & Bryant with yet another moonpie! Kam and I dont really care for them too much!
Bryant was the real bead getter this year...he got bags of stuff at every parade!

Mad really didnt want to stop to take a picture, but I made him...lol!
Team Eady...Mardi Gras 2010

Mad and Kam...she had just caught that huge frog and she was sooo excited...however minutes later she got pegged in the head by a band of beads and got a huge knot on her head...gotta love it when the men are throwing...lol!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Cant believe February is half over....and I really cannot belive that it is exactly 1 month until my little B turns 2.....awwww! Well we had an awesome Valentine's day...Terry surprised me with floor tickets to the Black Eyed Peas concert and 2 dozen chocolate covered strawberries from edible arrangements! This year Joe Cain Day fell on Valentine's Day, so it was quite the party in Downtown mobile. For those of you who want to celebrate Mardi Gras......Joe Cain day in Mobile is awesome!! Its as fun as NOLA, but a lot less dirty! It's our favorite Mardi Gras day of the year! This year we ran the Joe Cain 5K which started at 8 a.m. (thats the perfect time to get down to downtown so you can find a parking spot and get set up for the day). We were late to the race because we did not get home from the concert until 4 a.m. but we still ran and had a good time. The race afterparty was a blast and a great way to kick off a day of parading! We got home around 5 and ate dinner then Kamden and I had a date to watch Star Struck on the Disney Chanel....very cute movie! Overall it was a great weekend.....now only 2 days left of Mardi Gras....so its time for 2 days of non-stop parading!!
Got a little carried away on the roses...ha!

Of course the Holiday would not be complete without a PhotoCard...lol

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Skating Eady's

My boys are following in Kamden's footsteps and really taking off on their skates! Maddox is now wearing Kam's old hockey inline skates and he is doing great! He joins Kamden and helps daddy run the skate sessions now! Bryant is doing good on his quads as well. Bryant is more way more interested in skating than Kam and Mad were at this age! He loves to skate and he keeps his skates on from the time we get there until we leave! Terry and I are both really enjoying them being at the rink with us. All 3 act very well at the rink!! Most all of our customers are VERY impressed with how well the 3 of them skate. Although I am a pretty good skater, they definitely take after than daddy with how fast they are! Kamden races with the 8-9 year olds now and usually wins....Maddox does not race yet..he always says "Mom, I'm just going to watch today and I will race tomorrow!" Here are 2 small videos I took with my camera so you can see them skate. They are short because blogspot will not let you download long ones! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Krewe of Marry Mates Mardi Gras Ball 2010

Well Mardi Gras is in FULL force...WOOO HOOOO! Being from the south...Mardi Gras is a BIG deal! The parades started last weekend (I am going to do one big post with all the parade pictures next week) and boy did we catch a lot of stuff! One of our good friends and neighbors, The Stablers are in a medium sized organization in Mobile, Krewe of Merry Mates and they invited us to attend their parade and ball last weekend! Its kinda like prom on steroids for adults! Men MUST wear a tales tux and keep their jackets on at all times, this is very strictly enforced..lol! Women must wear floor length ball gowns....the gowns get very extravagant, mine was pretty tame compared to some! I found my old dress from my High School 1998 Noel dance dress and wore that....I was very proud of myself! We had a blast...its hard not to, with a good band (Mustang Sally's) and an open bar until 3 a.m.! We decided to forgo the parade since it was freezing outside (yes freezing, it was like 30 degrees out that night) and have dinner at Ruth Chris's Steakhouse! Our other good friends, the Smarts, went as well so we really had an awesome night! Now Terry and I are trying to decided if we want to join the organization or not....hummmm? Here are some pictures from the crazy night!
Us at about 2 am...Can you tell? lol
Me and Jeanette...its a tradition that you wear a guarder while in your dress...Our friend James put ours on....(i left those pictures out...lol) fun stuff! Our good friends the Smarts...Jeanette and Gordan

The Stablers(they are in costume, since they are in the organization and they paraded that night)

Me and Jeanette
The Girls....it was getting late at this point!
Me and my love before we left for the ball!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Juggle'n January!

January 20, 2010
Well 2010 has started off Great with TEAM EADY! Our business (the skating rink) has reached record numbers and we are thriving! We could not be happier with how things are going! The kids are back to school and in FULL swing! Just about every weekend the kids have had at least 1 birthday party to attend, so that has kept us busy! I have not been able to take as many pictures as usual, this month, so here are a few from a party Kamden went to at a place called Paint n' Pals...its a place where you can bring food and wine and paint the night away for adults, (big hit here in Daphne) but now they do very cute kids parties too! After they painted their paintings, the kids got their faces painted....when we got home from the party...Maddox wanted his face painted too, so Kamden decided to paint his face for him....HA! It was very funny and they both had fun with it! The other picts. are a few random ones from the month! I am hoping to take a lot of pictures next month....thats my plan anyways....as we gear up for Mardi
Gras...woo hoo!! Maddox's beautiful Face Painting...lol
Kam painting his face!
He was very into it!
Kam and her friend's at Paint n' Pals!
Kamden almost done with her painting!
Her fav. part..painting her name on the wall!
Background complete!
She really tried her best!
Okay...its suppose to be a butterfly when its finished!
Bryant..aka...COOL DADDY B
Boys having FUN!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy 31st Birthday Terry! Just 10 days after celebrating Kam's 5th Birthday, we got to celebrate Terry's 31st Birthday! Since we had such a busy few weeks, we decided to keep his celebration small and just between TEAM EADY! We surprised him with a Miami Dolphins Cake (his favorite NFL team) and a yummy dinner at the house! He was excited, but not as excited as the kids were! The day was a big success and now he is one year further into his 30's...but I dont think he seems to mind...ha! I am still holding on to my 20's!
T's cake...minus the helmet that goes on the Dolphin...Maddox already ate that..HA!
Daddy's Birthday Song!