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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Card Time!

For those of you who know me know I am a card freak....Some of my friends call me the card queen...ha! Christmas is my favorite time for cards, so it really takes me FOREVER to get my Christmas cards ready...I know sounds stupid but its a crazy compulsion that I wish I did not have! I bribe my kids (and husband) to be good during our Christmas pictures so we can just get that one perfect picture for our Christmas cards....HA! This year was by far the most challenging year.....Trying to get all 3 boys dressed in Tux's proved to be more challenging and time consuming then it was worth! However, I think we did manage to get a few good shots! Here are the pictures from our Christmas Photo Shoot with Kay Brown! Christmas Card 09
Our Family Shot!

Our Funny Family Shot! Typical Mad-Dog!

Again, Mad has to show he's the funny one (also known as middle child)

Me and My Princess!

My Boys =) I just love them!

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