Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Carving!

Believe it or not I have NEVER in my life carved a pumpkin! This year I thought the kids would enjoy it so we decided to let them go pick out pumpkins (at Wal-Mart because they were only $4 compared to the pumpkin patch at $15). Kam & Mad searched and searched until they found the "perfect pumpkin." After dinner we geared up for pumpkin carving! Man was it messy....but FUN! The kids thought it was sooo neat to cut the tops off and get their hands "slimey." We tried to follow the patterns in the pumpkin carving kit, but it was way ABOVE my novice skill level, so we went for a simplier look! Afterwards we toasted our seeds and ate them UP! Over all it was a funny, messy time! Look forward to doing it again next year! Our 3 perfect pumpkins...lol!
Everyone getting ready!

Yeah....TEAM EADY!

Time to get messy!

B-dogg really wanted to help!

Gross Mom...what is that?

B-dogg with a pumpkin seed in his hair!

Ohhhh NO..what a mess!

Our finished product!

In fireworks mode on my camera...all lite up!

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