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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

3 Lil' Skeletons!

I know I usually only post the "best" picture of all 3 kids, but as I was trying to decided which one to pick, I thought it would be funny to show you how "fun" it is to get all 3 kids looking at the camera and smiling in sync....almost impossible! Anyhow here is a little preview of what the kids look like in the other pictures that dont get posted...ha!

Pumpkin Carving!

Believe it or not I have NEVER in my life carved a pumpkin! This year I thought the kids would enjoy it so we decided to let them go pick out pumpkins (at Wal-Mart because they were only $4 compared to the pumpkin patch at $15). Kam & Mad searched and searched until they found the "perfect pumpkin." After dinner we geared up for pumpkin carving! Man was it messy....but FUN! The kids thought it was sooo neat to cut the tops off and get their hands "slimey." We tried to follow the patterns in the pumpkin carving kit, but it was way ABOVE my novice skill level, so we went for a simplier look! Afterwards we toasted our seeds and ate them UP! Over all it was a funny, messy time! Look forward to doing it again next year! Our 3 perfect pumpkins...lol!
Everyone getting ready!

Yeah....TEAM EADY!

Time to get messy!

B-dogg really wanted to help!

Gross Mom...what is that?

B-dogg with a pumpkin seed in his hair!

Ohhhh NO..what a mess!

Our finished product!

In fireworks mode on my camera...all lite up!

Halloween Photo Card!

Go ahead and laugh, but as long as I can breathe I WILL send out family photo cards! I know...I have too much time on my hands, but it really consumes me! This is this years Halloween photo card! Enjoy!

The Incredible Eady's!

Halloween is just a few days away and all my hard planning for this years costumes has paid off! One of the kids favorite movies is Disney's "The Incredibles." Last month while the kids were watching it a light bulb went off and I decided that we should be the Incredibles this year for Halloween since we have 3 kids around the same ages as the characters in the movie! It took me a few weeks to win all the costumes off ebay, but my patience paid off and I won all the costumes! We have a few Halloween parties to attend this weekend and I am sooooo excited to show off our family costumes! The kids love thier outfits and never want to take them off! I hope everyone has an Incredible Halloween! Bye the way I am already planning for next year's costumes..and I think I know what we are going to be...stay tuned..ha! The Incredible Eady's!
Violet, Dash and Baby Jack Jack!

Aww picture posing is so much FUN...HA!

It's DASH!

A very serious Violet!

It's Mr. Incredible!

Baby Jack Jack! (without his mask...he did not like the mask)

It's Elasta Girl and Violet...off to save the world...HA!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fair FUN!

September 30, 2009
We love to go to the fair every year! This year we took the kids to the Robertsdale Fair about 20 mins. from our house! It was the 1st time we have ever been. It was small, but the fair food was great (my favorite) and the kids had a good time! We played a lot of games...of course and rode lots of rides! Maddox played the dart game and popped all 3 balloons...he was sooo excited! Kamden really wanted to win a fish and thank goodness she didn't! We got to see lots of barnyard animals and watch a horse show which the kids thought was pretty good! The Pensacola fair will be coming to Pensacola soon and I think we are going to have to take the kids to that one too!! Daddy being a good sport riding the spinning teddy bears...yuck!
Kamden and Maddox on Dumbo...lol

Bye Mom!

Bryant hanging out in his stroller with his big bump on his head!

The kids on the carlise!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Go Blue Rockets!!

GOOOO Blue Rockets!! Kamden and Maddox have started Tiny Tot Soccer. They like to practice at home but their 1st game did not go soo well! Maddox started crying and Kamden stood there like a deer in headlights with her fingers in her mouth! It was quite the sight! I am hoping as the season moves along they will do better, because they cannot do it any worse...lol! Hope everyone is enjoying the fall! Maddox & Coach Carrier
My Soccer Kids!

Prayer time before the game!
Warm ups!

Time to get strethed!

Nature Walk!

September 16, 2009
We took the kids on an afternoon nature walk down the street from the skating rink. The nature walk is really neat and has a big fishing pier at the end. Its a little scary because there are signs POSTED EVERY WHERE to beware of the ALLIGATORS! LOTS of people have seen gators in the water, so I was a little nervous! Of course nothing scares the kids so they had a blast! We got to see lots of birds and fish, but NO gators! I took some cute pictures, enjoy!
One of the MANY signs posted...HA! The kids!
B-dog...he wanted to jump off the pier!

The Loves of my LIFE!