Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, August 22, 2009

1st day of school!!

I cannot believe that the kids Mom's Day Out Preschool has already started!! It started on August 12, but since Terry and I were in Vegas, I did not get to take any pictures of their official"1st day of school" so I took one last week of them before we left for school! Kamden is in the K-4 class and has a wonderful teacher to prepare her for kindergarden next year! Maddox is in the K-3 program and has one of my closest friends as his teacher....I was a little worried because he knows Mrs. Mindy as "mommy's friend," but he has done a great job in their and loes having her as his teacher!! Bryant is in the 1 year old room and has 2 great teachers in there, I think he enjoys having a chance to play with kids his own size (and age) for a few hours a day!!We are looking forward to a great school year and of course I will have tons of post to keep you updated so make sure to check the blog regularly!! Can you tell how excited Bryant is....lol! Kamden and Maddox on the other hand were thrilled!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mad-Dawg Turns 3!!

Well Maddox celebrate his 3rd birthday this weekend! I really cannot believe that he is already 3. I often look at him and wonder WHERE he CAME FROM! Its so sad to say that him growing up has all been such a blur to me.....having 3 kids so close in age it seems like My Middle Maddox has just grown up right before my eyes!! Anyhow...he wanted to have his party at Brantly Farms here in Daphne. Its a cute little farm for the kids! They got to pet & hold alot of the animals, bottle feed a baby goat, hand feed goats and ride horses! They even got to go on a FAST hayride! I decided to make his cake (which was WAY more trouble than it was worth) but it did turn out cute to go along with his barn theme party! All in all the party was a great success and all the kids had a blast!! Here are some pictures... Maddox riding his horse!

True Mad-Dawg Style!

Bryant riding the horse with Savannah...he did NOT like it!

My B-Dawg!

Mad blowing out his candles!

Maddox and his BEST FRIEND TYLER!!

Maddox showing off his CARS toys...he LOVES Cars!

Kam on her horse!


The kids hand feeding the goats!

The kids lined up to hold and pet the animals...a pig, a chicken and a rabbit!

Maddox bottle feeding the baby goat!

His Farm Cake!

The Farm...sooooo cute!!

Maddox b-day sign!
Maddox riding the donkey...he LOVED the donkey!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

VBS Performance!

July 31, 2009
VBS this year was awesome!! Kamden and Maddox had such a great time and they learned soooo many songs and several bible verses! The theme was the Australia Outback! In addition to learning about the Jesus they also learned about Australia!! On the last night they had their parent performance so we got to see and hear everything they had learned throughout the week! Kamden did great singing her little heart out, however Maddox was more interested in standing on stage looking at everyone else singing! At least he did not get stage fright!! Kamden and her VBS 2009 Picture!
Maddox and his 2009 VBS Picture!

Kamden performing on stage!

Kam & Mad rehearsing...Maddox is the one in the blue shirt!

Kamden singing, her favorite VBS song...the Boomarang Express!!

Maddox during practice time...he was not ready to put on his yellow VBS shirt just yet...he wanted to keep on his polo...but we finally convienced him to put on the yellow shirt!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kamden and Peyton doing the Solider Boy!

Peyton came to stay a few nights with us and her and Kamden caught the dancing bug and were dancing ALL nite! They were sooooooo funny! Kam tries to be just like "pay pay" and do whatever she does! Here they are with their signature dance moves...ha!

Eady kids GONE WILD!!

July 22, 2009
Sooo Kamden decided to dress Maddox up in her night nights! He came out smiling and laughing and thought it was soooo funny to wear Kamden's clothes!! Then they started singing and dancing and Terry and I could NOT stop laughing.....here are some funny video's of the kids How sweet Kamden and the sister she has always wanted...lol!

Maddox is singing the boys are back from High School Musical 3!!

Doing the cupid shuffle!!

Birthday Party Park FUN!

July 19, 2009
Maddox's best girlfriend turned 3 and she had her party at the park! It was a Dora Themed party and the kids had a lot of fun seeing and playing with each other! The weather here is about 102 degree right now....so its HOT, but it was in the late afternoon so it was not too bad! Here are some cute pictures of the kids!! Maddox with his Dora hat.....it only lasted about 1 min. on!
B-Dogg.....hanging in the grass...because HE still WILL NOT WALK....16 months old!!

Ready for cupcakes!

Abby and Maddox!


Explorium FUN!

July 12, 2009
Well we took the kids to the Mobile Explorium for an afternoon of FUN! It was our 1st time going and it was a lot of fun. The kids had a good time and liked to look at the exhibits. They were featuring "The Human Body" exhibit so they got to see all different kinds of stuff about the human body. Surprisingly they actually learned a little! They even have a great IMAX theatre, so we watched a film on the sea and how it fits into our world....Kamden and Maddox really liked it and even understood it! We will be back for sure!! Here are some pictures of our afternoon!
The Eady crew inside the IMAX!
I really tried to get a picture of all 3, but Bryant crawled away!

Kam & Mad next to the skeleton!

My favorite thing to do....get the family to pose in front of the sign!! Terry gets so mad..."we look retarded," he always says, but I think they look cute! HA

This is how we roll...Eady Style!!