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Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend...crazy FUN!

Easter weekend was a lot of fun at the Easy house but also EXHAUSTING! The kids had a neighborhood Easter egg hunt Friday, then Saturday we had an Easter Egg hunt, plus Maddox's friend had a birthday party with an egg hunt! Needless to say by Sunday's Easter Egg hunt at Grandma's the kids were a PRO! Sunday morning the kids woke up to bikes and their Easter baskets full of candy and goodies from the Easter Bunny! They were super excited and VERY surprised!!! Unfortunately, we were all feeling a little under the weather with sinus and allergies so we did not make it to church, so we ended up dying more eggs! We did go to both sets of Grandma's in Pensacola! It was a fun filled family day with lots of good times and food! Here are some pictures from our CRAZY busy but super fun Easter Weekend! The Eady Easter Eggs!
Kamden & Maddox dying Easter Eggs!

Terry at our annual "Beer Hunt" for the adults! Terry was the winner again this year!!

The Baisden Eady grandkids!

The kids with Terry's Grandma...their great-grandma!

The kids on their bikes!

Maddox so excited to get a BIG BOY bike!

Kam on her new bike!

Maddox running in Kam's room to wake her up to tell her the Easter Bunny came to visit!

What the Easter Bunny brought!

We are tired of pictures, the kids at Addisyn's birthday party!!!

Kamden and Jack at the church egg hunt!

Maddox & his best friend Tyler going through their eggs at the church hunt!

Kamden showing off her eggs from the neighborhood hunt!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Yes I am nuts..here is the kids Easter Cards!!! Happy Easter from the Eady's!

Jubliee Easter Party!

Well today was the kids last day of Mom's Day Out school at Jubliee Preschool and they had their Easter Parties! Peyton is on Spring Break this week so she came to stay with us...lucky her..ha! Kamden and Maddox's class both had their parties on the same day at almost the same time...(I'm the only crazy mom in the preschool with 3 kids...one in baby room, one the the 2 year old room and one in the 3 year old room...HA)! Needless to say I was running back and forth trying to take pictures of both kids. They both had Easter egg hunts on the playground and then fun Easter shaped food in their class rooms! Here are some pictures of their day!! Peyton & Bryant!
I think he needs a hair cut..ha!

Maddox with his bunny face and bunny "milk jug" basket!

Maddox searching for eggs!

Kam and daddy!

Kam and some of her friends after their hunt!

Ready..set...find those eggs!

Kam's 3 year old class! Hard to believe they are all 4 now (well almost all of them)!

Kamden showing off her bunny basket she made...he's a little lop sided..ha!

Deanna's Big Day!

Well my best friend since childhood got married this past weekend! I was honored enough to be her matron of honor. Deanna and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We went to K-4 kindergarten together plus she lived in the same neighborhood as my nanny and papa, so we always spent A LOT of time together growing up! Deanna was the maid of honor in my wedding almost 8 years ago....hard to believe! She had a BEAUTIFUL wedding and an awesome reception!! It was so much fun to hang out with all my girlfriends all weekend long...her are some pictures of Deanna's big day!! Us workn' it!
The wonderful couple!

Me and Deanna...best friends for 20 years...WOW thats a long time!!

Us at the Pensacola Yacht Club!

All the girls!

The beautiful bride and groom!
Mr. Larry giving away Deanna!

Some of the bridesmaids!

Me and Starr!

The bridal luncheon at the Lee House in Pensacola!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Eady Family Fun Day!

Well being in our business, our Mondays are our Saturdays! This Monday we had BEAUTIFUL weather so Terry and I decided to have an Eady Family Fun Day. We took the kids to the beach (Gulf Shores) to eat lunch at the Hangout (our favorite summer lunch spot) then we took them to the Gulf Shores Zoo. They had a blast at the zoo and liked all the animals, especially the snakes and barn animals! They were a little disappointed that they did not have a giraffe their because they do at the zoo in Gulf Breeze that we usually go too, but they still had a good time. Next we went to the Pensacola Naval Museum. Maddox was in heaven..he LOVED it!! Kamden and Bryant liked it too, but not as much as Maddox....I guess planes brings out the BOY in him. They tested (basically sat and pretended to drive) all the planes and touched every thing they could! We did not have time to do the IMAX theater, but we will be back soon I am sure because Maddox wont stop talking about it!! Finally we ended our day with dinner at Chuck E Cheeses. My dad and Ricky's family met us up there so we had a good time eating and playing games together! Overall it was an awesome day and in the end (at 9:30 p.m. when we got home) we had 3 tired babies and 2 even more tired parents! Here are lots of pictures from our day! If you have never been to NAS you need to make a trip over because its really a lot of fun! By the way...Bryant was with us, but he is so chilled out that he just sits in his stroller and hangs out..so theres not any pictures of him...ooooppppssss! The kids feeding the "Old McDonald" animals!
Maddox feeding the goats..he loved them..Kamden was not too sure about getting her hands iky!

The Eady Crew!

Daddy and his princess!

There were bunnies all over the zoo, just hopping around..the kids loved it!!

Welcome to The Gulf Shores Zoo!

Welcome to Pensacola NAS Museum!

Maddox turning the wheel!

Kamden and Daddy flying the helicopter!

Inside the coast guard rescue basket!

Playing on a simulator!

Kamden flying her plane!

Inside NAS Museum

Future Blue Angels!