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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kamden's Dance Show!

Kamden had her 1st summer "Princess" dance camp. It was the cutest thing ever! Every day they studied a new princess and danced to their music. This camp was right up her alley. They even ate snacks like princesses! She has asked every day to go back. On the last day, the did a special "performance" for the parents! Kamden did exactly what she was supposed to do....this time she actually danced! Here are some of the pictures from her as Cinderella!

Kamden and Peyton!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Kamden starts Gymnastics!!

Kamden is now 3 1/2 and in Daphne that means time for gynmastics! Today was Kamden's 1st big day and she was pumped! She LOVED gynmastics!! Her teacher was great and very sweet. I was very surprised at how coordinated she was, she must get that from her daddy because the Lord did not bless me with coordination! Between Kamden and Maddox's busy social life and Kam's summer camps and activities we have a BUSY summer ahead of us!! Kamden waiting to go into her class room!
Kam watching the "big girls" practice!

Fun at the Beach!

Beach season is finally in FULL effect! For the past few weeks (and hopefully all summer) after church on Sunday we head straight to the beach! It has been a lot of fun hanging out with our friends and family! Its a little challenging taking all 3 kids to the beach....by the time we lugg all our stuff down to "our spot" I am exhausted. But nothing like a little fun in the sun to help me relax! I could not imagine life any other way! Now only 18 more years to go until Terry and i can retire and live on the beach....HA! The crew of crazy 3 year olds...Tori, Micha and Kam...and Maddox in the back!
Kamden doing what she does best...throwing sand....
My sweet Maddox playing in the sand!
Kamden playing in the water!
Baby Bryant, just "hanging out."