Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, December 18, 2009

School Christmas Parties!

Christmas is here and the kids classes have been gearing up for Santa's special visit, class parties and their special Christmas Performance! Its a little challenging having all 3 kids at the same school but in different classes, but so far I have managed to balance all their activities! It could be worse (and I know it will soon) they could all be in different schools! This year their the kids had a great time and really enjoyed learning new Christmas songs! It was a lot of FUN! Bryant was precious during his performance, he loved being on stage dancing! Now its time for Christmas Break.....3 weeks of no school!!
Kamden during her gift exhange!
Kamden during her class performance!

Maddox's class party!

The 3 & 4 year old classes!

Maddox's class, he was so excited for his Christmas Performance!

Bryant at his Class Christmas Party!
Kam's Class with Santa!
Kam and Santa!

Maddox telling Santa he wanted Cars stuff!
Maddox & Santa!
Bryant's Christmas Performance...He was ringing bells to the song Jingle Bells...He was soooo funny! He loved being up there dancing!

Bellingrath Gardens with the Hite's!

One of our favorite Eady Christmas Traditions is to go and visit Bellingrath Gardens. Its decorated with millions of lights during Christmas and it is absolutely beautiful! Terry and I have been going even before we had kids and over the years they have added new displays. This year we went with our great friends the Hites and the kids had a great time! Here are some picutures of this years adventure!!
The Eady's
The Hite's

Mad-Dog the Elf!
Kam the elf

New Water Fall Display!

The Kiddo's

The Kids ready to start the night out!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Card Time!

For those of you who know me know I am a card freak....Some of my friends call me the card queen...ha! Christmas is my favorite time for cards, so it really takes me FOREVER to get my Christmas cards ready...I know sounds stupid but its a crazy compulsion that I wish I did not have! I bribe my kids (and husband) to be good during our Christmas pictures so we can just get that one perfect picture for our Christmas cards....HA! This year was by far the most challenging year.....Trying to get all 3 boys dressed in Tux's proved to be more challenging and time consuming then it was worth! However, I think we did manage to get a few good shots! Here are the pictures from our Christmas Photo Shoot with Kay Brown! Christmas Card 09
Our Family Shot!

Our Funny Family Shot! Typical Mad-Dog!

Again, Mad has to show he's the funny one (also known as middle child)

Me and My Princess!

My Boys =) I just love them!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Time in NOLA!

Well I have to say that next to Disney (and maybe Vegas) New Orleans is one of my favorite places to visit! I love the culture of the city, so diverse yet it all works! We try to take the kids to do something fun whenever we can, so we decided to take them to Nola for the day and let them see the city all dressed up for Christmas! It was beautiful!! We went to the riverwalk mall, The Shops at Canal, Christmas on Fulton Street and Celebration in the Oaks! Of course no NOLA trip is complete without and afternoon snack at Cafe Du Monde eating Beinets!! We had a great time and we are going to make it a new tradition to take the kids every year! Celebration in the Oaks!

Christmas on Fulton Street (at Harrah's)

The poor kids thought the fake snow (thick white bubbles) was really snow!

Eating at Cafe Du Monde watching the riverboat!
The Riverwalk Mall
Rain Rain GO AWAY!
maddox thought he might melt!
Bryant loved the rain!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

November 1, 2009
Fall is here and all the festivles are in FULL Swing! This year on our way to our church fall festivle, we noticed a lot of people on the small overpass bridge. We decided to stop and see what all the fuss was about and sure enough, there were a TON of alligators on the embankment! It was they were soooo close, so it was a little scary, but the kids enjoyed getting to see them so close. The alligators were way more scared of us, so they didn't move! After all the alligator excitment, we made our way to the fall festivle! The kids had a blast and they won lots of cool prizes!
One baby alligator!
The kids on the bridge looking at the aligators!

Maddox trying to ring the bell to win a prize!

Kam trying to win now!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth!

November 25, 2009
Well the month of November was a busy Disney month for the Eady's. We went 2 in the month of November....I dont know who wants to go more...me or the kids? I think its ME! We went Nov. 7th-11th with the entire Eady clan....all 5 of us in tow! The kids had a great time and it was not very busy! We got to ride a ton of the rides and the weather was beautiful! Then Kam, Mad, my mom and I went back down there 2 weeks later, the week of Thanksgiving, and stayed with my brother and his family for a few days! Kam and Mad had so much fun with their older cousins, Peyton and Taylor and it was nice to have all of us together! The weather was pretty good but the lines were pretty bad! We still had a great time......Kam was so brave and she rode all the rides that she was tall enough to ride...Splash Mountain was her absolute favorite!! She also got really into pin trading and was pumped about that! Here are some pictures from both of our trips! The 2 story gingerbread house at the Grand Floridan Hotel.....Very impressive!
Kam's rainbow princess face painting!

Mad-dogs super hero face painting!

The castle all lite up for Christmas!

Taylor Peyton Kam and Mad

Eady Fam!

The kids petting the goats at Animal Kingdom!