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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Team Eady's 1st Beach Trip of 2011

I must say one of my favorite parts about warmer weather (cant really say "spring" since its still the middle of February...lol) is the 1st beach trip of the season! Its usually very highly anticipated! We wait for months for the weather to warm up just enough to slip our suits on and head out the door!! Growing up with the beach minutes away has spoiled me in many ways and mostly its just that feeling of digging your feet in the sand, sitting back in your lawn chair and soaking up the beautiful sun. For some people, going to the beach is not all that much fun but for me, it the best part about living on the gulf coast. The smell of the salt from the ocean just has a way of making everything thats wrong in life right...well if only it were that easy...lol but it does have a way of bringing a certain peace to any day! Well Team Eady was lucky enough to experience the beach a little EARLY this year with 75 degree temps Feb. 20th!! The Water was FREEZING but the sun was HOT so we enjoyed a day full of great food, great friends, warm weather. We flew kites, made sand castles and even buried each other all on what I would call "A Perfect Day!" It wasn't too hot and there was NO humidity....thats makes for an unusual day in the south, but the best part was that we were all together, healthy and happy!!
Team Eady's 1st Beach Trip 2011

B-Dogg boggie boarding!
Yes kids the water is COLD...
Talk about a beautiful DAY!

Kamden flying her kite...kinda anyways!

Kamden and I trying to keep out kites from hitting everyone around us..we laughed and laughed, makes for great memories!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Go Daddy Bowl!

So we took the kids to their first "bowl" game with our favorite football friends, The Rowe's! It was the Go Daddy Bowl at Ladd Pebbles Stadium in Mobile, where the Jags games are held. We had a BLAST! We had endzone seats and it ended up being the BEST seats in the house! Every field goal came directly to us and the kids almost caught a ball! It was a little chilly, but nothing a few blankets couldn't warm up! The kids loved the atmosphere and so did we! Perfect for their 1st "bowl" game! We cant wait to go again next year!
Maddox & Ethan looking over the rail!

Our seats!

Fun Times!

Sweet Babies!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Kamden turns 6!!

Well my super sweet baby girl turned 6!! Its hard to believe that and I am not sure where the time has gone?? She is truly such a joy and has the kindest heart! She is such a sweet, kind spirit...even with 2 brothers!! We celebrated her 6th b-day at Paint n Pals! She wanted an "All Girls" party! They girls had a pre sketched canvas and they painted zebra purses! The whole party was zebra themed. We had a great time and Kamden really enjoyed celebrating with her sweet friends!
Kam's 6th bday cake!
Pre Sketched Canvas
The almost finished result!

The girls!

Enjoying an afternoon snack!

The table scape!

Fruit sticks for the sweet girls!

The little artist!