Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, March 27, 2009

School Picture Time!!

The end of the school year is just around the corner and the kids got their "Spring" pictures taken at school! Since we just had their pictures taken for Bryants 1st b-day I just ordered one little calendar sheet with all their pictures on it. I thought they turned out pretty cute...they were all smiling for the most part! Hope everyones weather is better than ours is down here...rain rain GO AWAY and bring back the SUNSHINE!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Eady Rock Band!

If one thing is for sure, there is never a dull moment in the Eady House! Tonight after dinner the kids decided to put on a rock band concert for Terry and I...The got out all my (plastic) mixing bowls and spoons and started playing the drums and singing! They were soooo funny! Even baby Bryant got in on the action and started playing away! Kam and Mad were singing "We will, we will ROCK YOU!" You can only imagine how LOUD it was in our house! Needless to say all the kids had a good time and Terry and I got a good laugh...enjoy the pictures and the video....these could be the next America's got Talent kids...HA!!!
Our Band Leader...Miss Kamden Eady! Bryant trying to hit the drum!

Maddox teaching Bryant how to hold his drum stick!

Kam and Mad..playing their drums!
Daddy joins the band!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bryant's 1 Year Pictures!

I cannot believe that my Baby Bryant is already 1!! Time has gone by so fast...especially with your 3rd child. Bryant has completed our family and brought so much joy to all of "Team Eady's" lives! Kamden and Maddox love to play with him and push him around. He's still not walking yet, but hes crawling good and pulling up in his crib, so he will get there. He has a mouth full of teeth and the chubbiest little cheeks! We went to Portrait Innovations the other day and here are some pictures from his 1 year shoot! If you have one in your area and you have never been, its a pretty cool place. The pictures are reasonably priced and they print them while you wait, so not a bad deal!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kam & Mad go the the dentist!

The kids had their 1st ever dentist appointment! They both did really good: NO cavities! They both got a little scared when Dr. Trey came over to check things out, but other than that they both did pretty well. The dentist office was really cool and of course very kid friendly! It also helped that one of my good friends Kindra works there, so she was able to make them feel a little better! For all of you that live in Daphne, I would HIGHLY recommend using Bay Ped. Dentistry! www.baypedo.com. Of course here are some pictures that Kindra took today!
Kam, Dr. Trey and Maddox! Maddox getting his teeth cleaned!
Kam showing how she brushes her teeth!

Kam laying back!

Monday, March 2, 2009

B-Dog gets tubes!

Well our poor little Bryant followed in his big brothers footsteps and had to get tubes put in his ears! After being plagued with ear infections since he was 2 months old (isnt that crazy a 2 month old can get ear infections) we finally had them put in this morning. The same dr. that did Maddox's tubes and adnoids did Bryants. We just love Dr. Neumann our ENT...I think he loves us equally as well...HA! He did great and the entire procedure only took about 5 mins. Bryant was really fussy when he woke up, but now he is fast asleep! Hopefully now he will be back to sleeping through the night again. He has not slept all night since Christmas....because of all the fluid in his ears!! Here is a picture they took of us at the outpatient hospital this morning right before Bryant went back with Dr. Neumann!
As you can tell Terry and I are a little sleep deprived. Bryant woke up at 2 a.m. and screamed until 5 a.m. He could not have a bottle or any medicine because his surgery was at 7 a.m. so we had to ruff it out...awwww!! These are things about parenthood people dont tell you about..HA@