Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kamden Cheers..well kinda!

Kamden decided that she wanted to cheer and the local YMCA just down the street had a young cheerleading program for just her age! However, I think she is a little too young because she does not quite get it all just yet! She enjoyings showing spirit at the end of the cheers, but most of the cheers she does not understand! Saturday was her 1st game and she did good the 1st 15 minutes then she started feeling a little under the weather. I am not sure if cheerleading is her thing yet or not, but we will keep trying and see! By the way she is cheering for little boys basketball! Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year...Happy 4th Birthday Kamden!

Well Happy New Year everyone from the Eady's! Every year we have to "Roll in the New Year" at one of our skating rinks...this year we were at the Daphne rink! Our friends took Kamden to a New Years Party while we worked and then they brought her up to the rink RIGHT before Mid-night and we got to celebrate her Birthday with her at the rink!! It was so special and all the kids had a blast celebrating with Kamden! Everyone (all 150 kids at the rink) did the hokey pokey & Cha Cha Slide with her and sang Happy Birthday to her! She finally was ready to leave the rink at 2 a.m! Talk about a social life for a 4 year old!! Since we never get to celebrate New Year's Eve with friends, we always have to celebrate on New Years day. We had our closest friends come over and eat and celebrate the New Year and Kam's b-day! We grilled hamburgers, drank plenty, watched football (the boys mostly argued..thats what happens when you live in Alabama and you are a FSU fan..HA) and shot off some great fireworks! I hope everyone has a blessed 2009...may it be a GREAT one!

Baby Bryant...partied out...he fell asleep in his highchair while I was feeding him..HA!
My AL girls...minus a few others...love these girls!

My Maddox after 3 pieces of Tinkerbell cake...on his CARS plate...he wanted to eat his cake on a CARS plate NOT a Tinkerbell plate!

Kamden and her friends digging into the cake!

Kamden and Brayden blowing out her candles!

Kamden smiling while we are singing Happy Birthday to her...AGAIN...she only was sang Happy Birthday too 5 times over the past 2 weeks!

Getting ready to eat cake!

Kam's Tinkerbell Cake!

The "Older Kids" eating...they babies (Bryants age kids) had to eat with their momma's! They were not allowed to sit with the "Big Kids!"

Kamden and her best friend Tori Lynn!