Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Boat season is here!!

Today was our first day out on the boat for this summer! We had our good friends Jamie and Jarod and their daughter Tori (AKA Kamden's best friend) go out with us! We had a blast, the girls would not get into the water, but all of us adults did! The weather was beautiful today and the water was perfect! I am looking forward to lots of great times on the water this season! Kamden and Tori!
Jamie and I tubing!
Kamden and Tori eating snacks in the cuddy cabin!
Kamden in her Life Jacket.

My growing babies!

My sweet babies are getting bigger by the day! They all seem to be growing right before our eyes! Its amazing how fast they grow. Maddox is really starting to talk a lot, which means he is also starting to repeat a lot! He is on his way to being potty trained...crazy! He loves to go on the potty, but he also has his lazy moments! Bryant is getting bigger by the hour, it hard to believe he was born early because he is catching right up!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

School is over!

Today was the last day of preschool for Kamden and Maddox! Their end of the year party was at the "Splash Pad!" The kids had a blast playing with all their friends. It was a lot of fun and they all had a great time! Now we have a busy summer ahead of us at the Eady House!!

Mr. Maddox having fun at the splash pad!

Kamden playing with her friends at the splash pad!

Maddox and his best friend Tyler!

Kamden and her best boy buddy, Brayden

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mother's Day!

Its hard to believe that we have 3 children. Terry and I both look at these babies sometimes and wonder where they came from and how we got so lucky to have such sweet, fun-loving kids! Since my birthday is so close to mothers day, it is now a joint celebration for me! I realized this year how great mother's day really is.....Kamden really understood what it was all about and she was soooo excited to give me the gifts she made me at school. No amount of money could ever buy those gifts or put that expression on her face!

Kamden's 1st Dance Recital

Little Miss Kamden had her first dance recital this past Sunday! The theme of her recital was "Under the Big Top." Kamdens class were the jesters of the performance. She was so funny...when the curtains opened, she stood there like a deer in headlights. She only did a few parts of the dance, but it was precious! She is really excited about dance now and cannot wait to start again over the summer!! Kamden on stage!
Kamden, Tori, Alivia & Mary Paige...her best friends!
Mommy, Kamden and Daddy before the recital!